Act 2

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Act 2

(Act 2 opens in the same fashion as Act 1 with the 'Company' singing. Scene 1 and 2 are set up adjacent to each other)

#14 Number One (3rd Reprise)


Pay us the minimum you've got,

We don't mind because it's soon forgot

And we'll give it everything

Perform each night like its the beginning

Scene 1- The Ladies Dressing Room, The Playhouse By The Lake, Post Performance, Late Evening

(Suzy has come to visit the Sally at the theatre. She's dressed to the nines. They drink wine)

Sally: So what's the trouble?

Suzy: Anniversary dinner last night. One week of happy marriage.

Sally: And they said it wouldn't last.

Suzy: Soft lights, champagne and Herbert announces he wants to become a father.

Sally: What did you do?

Suzy: I almost threw up.

Sally: How are you going to wriggle your way out of this one then?

Suzy: Well, his ex wife didn't manage to get pregnant through all those years right?

Sally: Right..

Suzy: So, I'm going to have to tell Herbert the same sad story.

Sally: Yes but there's all those tests and things.

Suzy: I'm going to have them all. Do you remember our, ever so touchy feely Harley Street gynaecologist?

Sally: Doctor Octopus?!

Suzy: Well he owes us a favour doesn't he? He's going to have to tell Herbert the bad news. He can't be a daddy! 

Sally: Oh Suzy! I do feel sorry for Herbert you know.

Suzy: Well I might.. if I hadn't met this tennis player who looks just like Tim Henman. You know what Sal, play your cards right and a gal just might have everything.

Sally: One day Herbert's going to rumble you.

Suzy: Oh, Bullshit! The husband is always the last to know.

Scene 2- The Front Room, Maggie and Don's Home, The Same Evening

(Maggie looks shifty and shaky. Don is, again, sitting in his comfy chair, engrossed in his newspaper. They too drink wine)

Maggie: I tried out that restaurant you recommended at Dinner yesterday.

Don: Oh good. It's nice that the show is back in town.

Maggie: Yes.


Maggie: Don?

Don: [not looking up] Hm.

Maggie: If you were describing me to someone, what would you say?

Don: What do you mean?

Maggie: Do you think I'm pretty?

Don: [he looks up] What's the matter, you alright?

Maggie: I just want to know.

Don: Well, of course you're pretty. You've always been pretty.

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