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*Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or movies all credit to JK and I only own the plot (I think)Hope you enjoy. I love the edit. check the youtube channel out. I also don't own the edit.

It was just another boring day for the golden trio sitting next to the fire in the Gryffindor common room.

"Harry let's should do something mate. Its been so boring these past few days." Ron whines out as he stopped playing around with a loose string on his Christmas jumper his mum had sent the year prior.

"well ron, there is nothing I could do about that. How about you put that bored mind of yours to use and figure something out" They lay their heads back down onto the couch, a releasing the sigh tho further showed their current boredom.

Ron thought for a while, a pout on his face before he sat up quickly a mischievous look replacing his pout quickly

"I know! We could sneak to the headmasters office and snoop around, I'm sure the old fart got something to keep us entertained for the rest of the day. Harry, you know the password and old dumble is out for the week what do you say." Before Harry could agree Hermione peaks over her book at the absurd idea Ron just though of and voices her opinion

"Absolutely not! We could get suspended, have detention, there are tons of possibilities. I don't have time for that because our OWL'S are coming up and I unlike you two think we should study."

"Oh come on Hermione, It will be fun, besides studying is boring... We can always do that later. Ain't that right mate." Ron looks at Harry

"I don't have anything better to do"Harry hums with a shrug
Hermione rolls her eyes

"Fine...But i swear If we get caught I'll make sure..." She was caught off by a excited Ron, finally about to do something after a while
"Make sure my life's a living hell, yada yada , i know Hermione, let's just go"

They walk through the portrait hole and go off to the headmaster's office.

"I still think we shouldn't be doing this, I mean with Grindelwald still out there it is quite dangerous."

"Oh come on Hermione, Hogwarts is the safest place in the world," Ron says.

"I still think its a bad idea," Hermione mumbles to herself. They finally make it in front of the office and Harry says the password

"Cauldron Cake." The entrance opens, luckily Dumbledore hadn't changed his password just yet like he did randomly every now and then.They all walk in before moving up to the real entrance of the office. They open the large doors with a loud creek
"You couldn't have opened it any louder Harry."

"Shut it Ron" Harry mumbled as some of the paintings shushed them and tell them they were sleeping. Hermione whispered a quick apology to them before further entering the office just behind Ron and Harry, door shuts behind them.'

"Well, That's just fantastic now isn't it" Hermione says sarcastically
"we are stuck in here. We are sure, to get in caught and all because you two idiots were bored.i should have never agreed to this" Hermione whines.
"But you did... so you can't blame us" Ron says back as They all try opening the doors again but thetre was a strong spell keeping it shut

After about 30 min they finally give in, knowing bthere was no chance on opening the door and start to explore, i men's might as well
"Bloody Hell, what is this?," Ron Exclaims as Harry and Hermione make their way towards him.

They were tiny flasks all carrying a whisp of blue inside and Hermione hummed knowing exactly what they were
"Those are memories... I was in.."
She was caught off
"The library" Ron and Harry said in sync as she glared at them before continuing
"well...Yes... And i found a book that mentioned these, the little bottles contain memories and based on the lables this one is... Dumbledores" Harry looked at it curiously while Ron looked at it mesmerized

Why? (Grindeldore)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum