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So today my group members were coming over at my house after school as we only got 2 days to complete our project , i was satisfied by the people of my group after having a little conversation with them yesterday, but i didnt got a chance to talk to carson as he was busy somewhere else but yes today he's coming over too so lets see how it goes,
I changed into a orange dress and tied my hair in a pony tail and left for school
It was a casual day but lauren was absent she texted me earlier that she wasnt feeling well ,
So today i had to do the lunch alone, i walked to the cafeteria and sat on the nearest table thinking about stuff after a moment of peace i was interrupted by adam,
'hey gorgeous lady'
'hey adam'
Then he replied
'how's your day going?
I said ' pretty boring'
Being a jerk he replied
'now it wont be boring anymore, i am here to entertain you always'

I replied ,
' haha'
He said, ' can i confess something?'
I said,' for sure '

'i've liked you since the day one and i so wanted to do the project with you as we could share sometime like that ,but sadly we didnt get this chance so miss luna would you give me the honour to take you on a date?'

I was stunned by his words, it was clear that i like him too but not that way i dont know how to reply or how to react luckily the bell rang and i left for class without giving him answer..
He shouted from my back ,
'i'll be waiting for your answer, and will not leave you like that'

I gave him a OKAY look and continued walking..

I tried to focus on the subject and ignored all the shit going around

When the class was over i met my group and we all decided that all of us will get a lift from my dad

All the way we had some gossipin' session with dad, it was good

After reaching home, mom served us food,it was quit satisfying
Carson complemented,'the food is good'
At the time he complemented we had a perfect eye contact but was interrupted by christine,
'yeah it is'
After that we started our project
Christine and josh paired up with the pasting session and told me and carson to share our works while jasmine was doing the cutting,
Carson asked, ' do you like doing projects?'
I replied , ' yea only when i have good mates'
He replied, ' so what about this one?
I said ,' yes i am enjoying'
It was a complete awkward silence in the room after this..

Our project was almost done
The time flew by very quickly Before everyone left we share our numbers so that if we have any difficulty then we can contact eachother..

I changed into my night suit and then went to the bed and started wandering that what should i even reply to that dumbass i've never been in such awkward situation , one side i was thinking to give it a try while on the other side it was a complete no i didnt know what to do, what was perfect for me.. i was interrupted when my phone buzzed..

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