Odd One Out

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        CHAPTER 1:

        "Liv, Over here!" Yells Audrey. Liv's brown perfectly curled hair sits perfectly on her shoulders as she fast-walks down the stepts of her private jet and fast walks over to her twin sister. 

"I missed you so much!" Liv says, grinning. Liv's brandnew velvet purple Gucci heels clacked on the hot pavement as the two twins walked towards the shining new wing of the quiet airport on the outskirts of New York City. Audrey pulls her phone out of her high-waisted jean shorts and clicks the home button. The screen comes alive and she smiles as she sees six new texts from Kian Lawley. "Kian?" Liv says laughing at her sister's expression change. Audrey's cheesy smile went from a full on grin in seconds as she took out her phone. Liv tugged at her short baby blue skirt  and twirled her hair as she peeked at her own phone. 

"What boy is texting you now?" Audrey asked, turning to her sister. Liv didnt respond but her fake press-on nails tapped against the glass screen of her Iphone. 

"Girls- after you." Says Chris, opening up the glass door to the air conditioned airport. 

"Thanks Chris." Audrey says, looking back at their security gaurd. The girls head to the chairs as Chris gets all of the airport details done. 

"Girls the limo is out front. I'll meet you there." Chris says handing the security their passports. 

A few hours later, Liv steps into Audrey's new house. 

"Wow! Love." Liv says, barely looking up from her phone. 

Ugh Liv is so sarcastic. 

"I think it's super cozy. I like being somewhere home-y" Audrey fires back. 

"OH MY GOSH" squeels Liv. "I have to change and I have to go curl my hair and I have to do so much oh my goodness I CANT BELIEVE THIS" Liv rambles. 

"What!?" Audrey screams back. She pulls her hair to the side and begins a side braid. 

"THE MAGCON GUYS WANT TO MEET UP WITH ME!" Liv yells dancing around the huge living room, almost falling into the fireplace.

"Be careful! Watch the vase-" Audrey cries as the blue pale vase crashes onto the floor.

"Eh- Ill give you a check for that later." Liv says as she drags her Coach carryon bag accros the hardwood floors to the stairs. 

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