Chapter 2: OOO

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"Liv! I think you've spent enough time in the bathroom," Audrey says pounding on the white door.

"It's not my fault that my fake eyelashes won't stay on!" Liv yells through the door. Audrey sighs and walks back into her pale pink room. She ties her messy brown hair into a bun and pulls on some skinny jeans as her phone buzzes with Twitter alerts. One of them catches her eye:

"Hey @AudreyWelter let me know what you're up to in about an hour ago. Xx kian"

"OH MY GOSH! I THINK KIAN JUST ASKED ME OUT! LIV GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM!" Audrey screams, prancing around her bedroom. She freezes as she hears a door click open and out comes Liv. Liv looks beautiful. No- more than beautiful. She looks like a goddess. She stepped into the bedroom wearing her mint peplum top with black, shiny leggings and strap-py black wedges. Her hair is pulled in a half up-half down way and her eyes look beyond amazing.

"Wow." Audrey mutters.

"I know right!" Liv says, doing a complete 360 for her sister. "Anyways- Nashy is sending a driver for me because the location is super exclusive so nobody can know where I am." She brags. "Nash even says all the boys are gonna be there!" she quickly adds, knowing Audrey is in love with a few of the guys.

"Well, I think Kian asked me out so I'm gonna text him to meet me at Panino NY." Audrey replies, tossing her chestnut hair behind her freckled face.

"NO! You can't go to Panino! Its oh-so crowded and everyone will slobber over him. You should hang out here!" Liv says knowingly. She looks down at her light up phone and turns to the door. "EEK! Nash is here! Ciao!" She squeals and run-walks out the door to the gravel driveway.

<authors note: sorry its so short but I'm writing this and its pretty late. The story will get better because the boys will be introduced along with a few other characters!>

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