Chapter Four: Zombie Apocalypse

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       The alarm clock rang at about 7:00am in the morning. Mary rolled over to the other side of her bed and stood up. It wasn't a usual morning, it was Sunday morning. They got to sleep from morning to afternoon on Sundays.

"Another rough day." Mary mummered.

       She hated getting up in the morning, but her alarm clock had a problem. She was a little anxious about that poor boy who got pierced by Rosila's crazy injection. Why'd she even inject the zombie at first. Now they had a problem. And Mary hated problems.

       She sighed and got changed. She wasn't expecting anyone down at 7:01am but she was surprised. Brenetta was down with her teddy.

"Bren? Why are you here?" Mary asked, astonished.

"I'm scared. I don't feel safe." Brenetta replied, cuddling her teddy.

"Aw, come here." Mary said, hugging her.

"And also hungry." She added.

       Mary grinned and sat down. Aunt Lily was asleep, having no idea that these two children were starving. Mary had also wanted to be a chef, but aunt Lily wouldn't allow it.

       Now was the chance to cook and she couldn't. She was also thinking about Rosila's cute zombie. What if he went about biting people. After two million years, a zombie apocalypse was about to happen, again.

       When the the zombie apocalypse had happened two million years ago, Mary's ancestors had stopped it. She had no idea of how they did it. Legend didn't tell. Mary tried to relax, but that was almost impossible, not when a zombie apocalypse was about to happen.

       If she told aunt Lily, she'd be considered a baby in the house. She was out of choice, they could just return back to Hollywood and live uncomfortably again or they could die in the apocalypse. Even if they fled, the cops would still find and arrest them.

       This was all Rosila's fault! While the little idiot lay asleep in bed, California was in danger. She felt like squeezing Rosila's throat till she was lifeless. But, she'd also die, so she couldn't.

       Brenetta stared at her to reply, but she was deep in thoughts. They had to do something, save or run then die. She bent her head low and began to sob.

"I-I can't cook. We may as well starve to death." She cried in between tears.

"You're scared?" Brenetta asked.

"We'll die! Rosila pierced her crush a zombie injection which turns people into zombies. Now we'll be killed by zombies."

       Brenetta did something remarkable. She grinned and crossed her arms over Mary's shoulder and perked her. Mary dried her eyes and looked up astonished.

"I know." Brenetta said calmly.

"You know?" Mary asked, surprisingly.

"Duh! I asked Rosila why you were so bummed out and she told me the story. That's why I was scared."

       Mary didn't know what to do, so she did what her dad usually did. She put her hands in Brenetta's and closed her palm. Mary grinned and looked round.

"This is like a mission." She whispered.

"Really?" Brenetta asked, excited.

"Yep! Missions are a set of task that fulfils a purpose duty; an assignment set by an employer."

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