Chapter 3

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We kiss omg, Cameron and I kiss.

While we we're kissing.I  was having these fearful thoughts that he was using me because I basically threw myself at him. Or maybe he  kiss me cause I-I'm new, or cause he think im one of those other girls who just sleep around. Whatever it is ...well it ends here.

"Cameron stop please".

"Why? What did I do" Cam said still trying to kiss me.

"I know what you trying to do. I'm not stupid! ". I said with an annoyed look, as I hugged my self looking at a the brown bark of a tree.

"what am I trying to do"? cam said confused. I looked at him.

"Sleep with me... I bet you lying about this being your secret place, I bet you bring every girl you meet here." I looked him right on.

"Lizzie I promise I will never do that please". Cameron says looking at me with disgust. . He probably look that way because he will never do so... or because I'm telling the truth and got caught up in his lies.

That just angered me.

"How can I believe you Cameron, you kiss me on my first day, we met without ... we just met today! Not even 24 hours ago! I don't know nothing about you, just that your viner and that's it, but i dont know anymore." I looked at him in aggravation.

"And maybe you have a girlfriend and I wouldn't even know". I looked at Jim in the eyes.


My throat feels followed, my eyes stings with tear. Cameron tries to explain but I didnt listen.

He reaches out but I steeped out of the way and ran off. Cameron yells my name from the top of his lungs but no answer.

I can't.... I can't gain these type of feeling for an mysterious boy whom I met only 20 hours ago. I just can't.  It's impossible to like somebody that fast.

I heard him call out  for me but I didnt want nothing to do with him. I didn't evem want him in my presence.  So the smart thing any person would is  hide behind a tree. As I heard somebody, I assume Cameron walk by, I moved only to feel a stick slice the back left side of my waist. Feeling pain moments later I bit down into my wrist so no one won't be able tohear me. I will be audible.  I slides down and just sat there crying. As I was doing so,  I heard someone getting closer and closer.

What a small pretty thang doin' in the woods by herself " A drunk guy said

"Um um" I said nervously shuddered. No words was being able to process. It was like I was stoned. All that came out was silent cries of pain and somewhat mercy.

The guy was getting closer and I was afraid. I couldnt run cause I was hurt. The guy jump on me and try taking my shirt and I scream and scream.


I was relieved when someone took the man off me. It was Cameron, he saved me. Cameron punching the guy to death, I told him to stop and take me to hospital cause my leg was bleeding more from the cut. Cameron stop and ran to me and carry me out the forest. I just thanks Cameron for everything and kissed him on cheek. I was getting tired, so I lay my head on Cameron lap till we got to the hospital. He kept peting my head, it made me sleep right away.

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