The First Recruitment

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Arriving at there goal Stiles knocks at the door with the 12 at the sign. Hearing coming someone they see a man with a lean and muscled build, 6.2 Inches Height and with unruly ravenblack hair and emerald green eyes opining the door. Seeing who knocked on the door the man starts grinning and puts Stiles in a bone-crushing hug. Letting go he says with a radiant smile on his face 'Hey Stiles' and Stiles says back 'Hey Harry' with a equaly radiating smile.

Stiles P.O.V

'Come in' Harry motions to follow him. Going through a dark and slightly dusty  corridor me and Allison notice a scorch on the wall. Arriving in the kitchens I asks: 'Why is there a scorch on the Wall?'. Harry explained that it was the painting of the old Mrs.Black. Knowing who she was I could just nod in agreement. Finding a good place to sit we waited for Harry who brought two glasses and asked: 'Do you want something to drink?','Yeah a Coke for me and a water for Alli.'. Harry  goes with his hand over the glasses and they are filling up themselves. I knew already what happend, but when I look to Alli I notice the schock on her face. Oh I forgot already that she doesn't know about magic I thought. 'Stiles' Allison growls in my direction 'What is going on' she asked me. Nothing better than the truth, I tell her all about magic, Harry adding a few things there and there and at the end she looks at me with a blank face for 10 seconds, sweat already rolling down my neck and than she kiss me and says ' Ok '.

'What is your plan, Stiles?' a question cutting in from the other side of the tabel. Looking to Harry I say to him 'I want to build my own pack, my own family, a pack that can go against anybody.' A little drama will not be bad I thought. Smirking and holding a hand out to him I ask him 'Do you Harry Potter, my cousin, the boy-who-lived, the man-who-conquered and Master of Death, be my first pack member, well second actually if you count Allison, but you know what I mean'. Harry looking up at me beginns to smile and I see two long canines sprouting from his set of teeths. Grasping my hand in a firm grip he says ' I accept'.

to be continued...

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