The Plan

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"What is your plan, Stiles?" a question cutting in from the other side of the tabel. Looking to Harry I say to him "I want to build my own pack, my own family, a pack that can go against anybody." A little drama will not be bad I thought. Smirking and holding a hand out to him I ask him "Do you Harry Potter, my cousin, the boy-who-lived, the man-who-conquered and Master of Death, be my first pack member, well second actually if you count Allison, but you know what I mean". Harry looking up at me beginns to smile and I see two long canines sprouting from his set of teeths. Grasping my hand in a firm grip he says "I accept".

Stiles P.O.V

After Harry joined my pack as my second in command he asks me:" What do you have in mind Stiles? Because if you want to form a pack there is still the problem that you and Allison are still human and if you want to compete with the big guys it isn't enough. " Knowing that he was right and that the whole forming the pack thing was rather spontaneous I say:" I know and because of that we need to find a way to make us stronger. " Tapping my index finger on my chin thinking where we could find this information and b2y the look on Harry's face doing the same.

Allison P.O.V

Hard with sarcasm I ask them:" What place is filled with information? ". Getting clueless looks in return I reply with a deadpan face:" The libary ". Immediatly both facepalm and I can hear both mumble under their breath:" Dammit! ". After getting over this emberrising moment Harry leads us to the black family libary.

Harry P.O.V

Arriving in the libary the biggest room in the whole house  I immediatly shot a wandless Incendio at the fireplace and ignite it in purple flames. Seeing all the dust on the books and the table I perform a strong Scourgify. Turning to Stiles and Allison and explaining to not pull out the books in the silver shelf, I make my way through the books. After few hours I come to the letter R and look through the books. Finding a book called 'Rituals and their Outcomes' I call out:" Jackpot I think I found our solution".  Pulling out the book and laying down on the table Stiles and Allison come to my side. Searching through the pages I say to both:" In the End it's your decison so chose wisely".

Stiles P.O.V

Looking through the pages we come across the first apealing Ritual. "This Ritual is an Body Enhancement Ritual it would change my muscle density, improve my eye sight, hearing, mabye a growth spurt, all in all everything, but the problem is that it doesn't say in which extents for all its worth its risky  the sucess rate lies by 10 % and we would need a feather of a fallen angel to sacrifice and that i don't know where to get that. What do you think? " I ask both. "The potenial is endless, but you are right the sucess rate is low and to get a feather of a fallen angel there is a way to summon on but it says they are highly aggressive so its out of question. " Allison nodding in agreement our search continues. Looking though different Rituals each harder to fufill than the one before. Coming to the end and loosing hope we come to the last page. Eyes widening in awe reeding the discription. The Ritual is called ' Godly Werebeast '. It gives partial Immortillity, transforms you to a Werebeast of your Inner Aspect and you would have the blood of the greek gods flowing through your veins. Further discreption not available due to the low chance of 0,01% to suceed. Requirements: Basilisk Blood, Phoenix Tears, Thestral Blood and Dragon Fire. Warning: By attempt you suceed and live or fail and die." Looking to Alli and meeting her eyes I ask her:" Do you think we should do this? It's your choice if you don't want to than we search elsewhere ". Allison thinking hard about it replies with a loving smile:" I love you and would go to the end of the world with you so I'm willing to do this Ritual."."So now we have to collect the Requirements, Harry you know where we get them." I say to Harry. "Yeah I know where to get them but we can do this the next day sol lets get to sleep and I will take you with me at the morning." He replies yawning. Nodding in agreement Harry leads us to mine and Allisons Room and we all go to bed to be ready for the morning.

to be continued...

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