Chapter 2

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Miguel smirked devilishly as he gently grabbed a part of tbe blanket that was covering Lindsey. He pulled it off of her looking her directly in the face.

"BOO!" he roared in his deep voice smiling, happy to see her face again.

What he didn't expect to see was Lindsey covering her face and in an even tighter ball quietly sobbing into her hands trying to contain her noises. She was very afraid of what would happen if he saw her.

Miguel immediately pulls her out of the closet gingerly and embraces her loving. "Are you okay mon amour? What's wrong?" after realizing she was too choked up to talk he picked her up bridal style and layed her on the bed. He then pulled her close and comforts her with his best efforts.

"It is okay mon amour." He says as he gently places a single kiss upon her head. Squeezing her a little tighter to let her know that he has her and trying to show that he wants to protect her from her bad feelings.

Miguel was not trying to scare her. He was scared himself. He only knew her for one night but he felt so close to her. He didn't expect this kind of reaction out of her and he was deeply worried.

After about 10 minutes of comfort from Miguel, Lindsey finally was able to calm herself down. She looks up at Miguel her eyes still stained with burning tears and the last thing she expected happened. He looked her in the eyes, took his hand, and wiped away her burning tears. He smiled that genuine smile that Lindsey got lost in. Next thing she knows she looks into Miguel's eyes. They were a bright golden color.

As they are lost in each others eyes Miguel, with his hand still on her face and a little behind her head, pulls every so gently towards him. Lindsey glances at his lips quickly and covered the distance between them placing her hands on Miguel's perfectly sculpted face.

The kiss itself only lasted a few moments, but to Lindsey and Miguel it felt like an eternity.

They finally pull apart. They keep their hands on each others face. Miguel places his forehead on hers, closes his eyes, and smiles like he never has before. He has never felt that kind of passion with anyone before and he craved more of it.

Lindsey was so lost and confused. Moments ago she was reliving her terrible childhood, the next she was in a passionate uncontrollable kiss that she loved so much. She didn't even know this mans last name, but she felt as though she was already falling for him. She can't let him know that though. He would think she was crazy.

Lindsey pulls away and sits on the edge of the bed trying to control herself. It was hard when all she wanted to do was kiss Miguel again as crazy as that sounds.

Miguel moved beside her and looked at her. She still had some tear stains on her face and attempted to wipe them away, but Lindsey stopped him getting them herself. She couldn't risk that happening again. She barely knows this man, how can there be such chemistry and passion?

"Why were you crying Lindsey?" Miguel asked in a sweet and concerned tone. "I didn't scare you that much did I?"

Lindsey looked away from his gaze as another tear fell down her face and she quickly wiped it away. "It's not your fault." she stated. "I don't want to talk about it." she said in a quiet sad tone. She then started to get kind of angry again then stood up and turned to Miguel her face turning red from anger. "BUT WHY DID YOU YELL AT ME!? AND WHAT WAS ALL THAT WITH WHAT YOU SAID AT BREAKFAST!?" After Lindsey realized how angry she became, she turned away again and tried to compose herself. It's not like he knew of her depressing past.

Miguel's eyes widened all the way at her yelling and then he looked at the floor not wanting to state that he felt a connection with her even after only knowing her for one night. Especially with the night they had together. Lindsey turned around to face him once more keeping herself composed.

Miguel just sighed and looked at her "I was kidding around mon amour." he stated simply. "And I apologize for getting angry but..." he paused looking at her up and down realizing how temping she looked. He looked away. "I didn't want you to leave but I can't force you to stay." Miguel mumbled.

Lindsey wondered why he turned around and looked down at her outfit. She was wearing a skirt that was about midway down her thighs and really cute flowery strapless flowy shirt and everything was moved around. She quickly fixed it. "You can turn around now." she stated as he did so.

Lindsey sat on the bed again lost in thought. "Look I just want to know what happened last night." She stated in a calm tone

"And I will tell you mon amour." Miguel said wanting to grasp her face and stare into her eyes, but resisted the urge not wanting to scare her. "I just want to tell you in a way that will allow us to spend more time together and get to know one another."

He could no longer control the urge as he gently places his hands in the same place they were when they so passionately kissed looking deep into her bright sky blue eyes.

"I think you are the sweetest person I have ever met and I don't want to lose you." he said with pleading eyes that begged for more.

Lindsey got lost in the gaze of his golden eyes and without even realizing it she was slowly inching her way to his lips almost as if she were in a trance. At the same time both Lindsey and Miguel quickly glanced at each others longing lips and they shared another passionate kiss. It lasted longer this time.

Lindsey felt like sparks were flying from her lips as they tingled at the touch of Miguel's lips. She moved his arms around her waist and wrapped hers around Miguel's neck pulling him closer with her legs wrapped around his waist so that she was in his lap.

Miguel squeezed her tightly as he felt his heart beating out of his chest. He simply did not want to let her go. He was lost in her lips and he enjoyed every moment.

After the kiss ended they placed their foreheads together, still holding on to one another, and tried to catch their breath. Lindsey had never become breathless from one simple kiss before. What was this man she barely knew doing to her?

Miguel spoke very softly still slightly out of breath as their heads are still together. "I think I am falling for you Lindsey Jae Falkov"

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