Lava Sins

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- And today's that premiere day!

That day which I really honestly didn't wanted to come. I wish the day wouldn't even came but nah, time is a bitch. I was organizing his day today while also wishing in one side of my mind that somehow the cunt dies by getting dipped into the lava in the performance area like a crispy chicken since there's where she planned the spot. Anyways I prepared his all needs and went to get ready too. While getting ready, I was all in my mind, thinking,

- That MEERA KAT! More than a cunt, but damn why even am I so jealous about her meeting with my sir? Alison! You really need your anti depressant pills to calm down. sigh

After few minutes I got ready and was ready to go with him to the premiere. After a bit we reached there, and saw that cunt talking with the media including Leo's boyfriend Louis Leroux? Well I don't know how many she makes and leaves, never mind that, but I don't know why I felt something burning inside me,

- BOO!
- AAH! Who?
- Its me silly Ali!
- Leo?! Damn you scared me!
- laughs  Why? Where you in other universe or what? Silly!
- murmurs  Yes say that only. sighs while looking at Sir and Meera with those media people around
- doesn't replies but busy in looking at them especially at him
Alison?! shakes her
Uh oh?! S-sorry Leo. I was uh...
- Is everything alright?
- sigh  Y-yeah.
- For sure everything's not.
- murmurs  Yes you're right- I mean No NO! Everything's fine! I swear Leo!
- Now come on! I can feel it, you're not fine Ali. Now say me.
- Well its nothing except... looks at sir  And except well I don't know why something is burning inside me.
- twirls her hair  Something? winks  Yes a lot silly!
- What do you mean by "a lot"?
- It means you're jealous winks
- Jealous?! ME! HAH! Never Leo! I'm Alison! Alison Springer!
- Yes so?
- SO? I can't be jealous, its just stupidity. I mean why will I be jealous?
- Because you love your boss and I know it very well since that day winks
- blushes and shocked 
W-what?! No! It ain't true! Is just like, slips out accidentally  I wish that cunt just stays FAAAAAAAR AWAY FROM MY SIR-
- Caught you there!
- .......... embarrassed
- HAH!
- Fine Leo! Yes I do love him, b-but uhm, I-

From nowhere in the conversation that cunt makes an entrance,

- So Miss Alligator Springer, I heard a lot about you.
- Its ALISON Springer if you PLEASE!
- Oh fine fine! Calm here now. Anyways I just came to-
- Just a sec Meera, Alison I have a talk with you. as she drags me to a corner
- Yes say Leo?
- Say what? Give the slap on her face now only she really needs it, such an aggressive one she is ugh! Well anyways, I got something of her.
- And what is it?
- A doll of her which she'll represent in her performance, here take it and you know how to-
- Say no more Leo. Thanks.

As I left to talk with her, I found her no where and then I heard that she went to the performance area. Without delaying I went there and saw her arranging the area. I went to her and,

- Oh Miss Alligator! Did you came to see me?
- Hahahaha! Fine fine! What a crazy cat you are for sure.
- Crazy? Yes! I am indeed a bit crazy for sure but not a bitch like you.
- Eh I knew it that you will come here to visit me personally.
- Personally? Well YES! After what you did with me in my past years I DID came to you for that.
- Oh that! Ahahahaha! Now come on! It was such a fun to rip out your favorite doll and tie it in your cat C-cin whatever's tail and then I pinched that cat so badly that it went to you and-
- AND it made me fall in bed and cried for four months! My cat scratched me so badly that time! I wont forget what you did with me that time!
- laughs  You were such a cry baby and still a bitchy kitten of your mother, and your siste-
- Well you both are of same blood so-

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