49. Shruti

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liked by books_before_looks, rockstar

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liked by books_before_looks, rockstar.ro and 8 others

shruti.p It's finally that time of year again. School's done and I can't say I'll miss it... though I might miss sharing a room with @books_before_looks


books_before_looks Aww, I'm gonna miss you too! We better see each other over summer. 

shruti.p @books_before_looks Of course yaar, just tell me when 

rockstar.ro @shruti.p @books_before_looks Just remember, for the first two weeks of break, we've got plans 

books_before_looks @rockstar.ro How could I forget, you've been going on about it every opportunity you get🙄🙄

shruti.p @rockstar.ro @books_before_looks Plans? What plans? 

books_before_looks @shruti.p He's making me go camping 😐

shruti.p @rockstar.ro That actually sounds like fun.

rockstar.ro @books_before_looks See! It'll be fun. @shruti.p Thank you! Finally someone agrees with me.

A/N: So, I know it's been forever but exams and then some family stuff and then I was out of the country and then my laptop decided to just keep messing up the formatting but I'm back now and, because it's been so long, prepare for a string of updates. 

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