the sleet

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I think the worst part of falling in love is that you could be falling in love with a sociopath. It sounds ridiculous, like someone telling you that water is stoppable through the force and flames of a burning and angry fire, but it's true. What if they are cruel in the nicest way possible? What if they are sweet but leave an undying and bitter aftertaste that you mistake as the indescribable flavour of them? What if they love you because you love them?

See, love is terrifying. There's so much that could go wrong, like a skydiver too immersed in the feeling of falling and the ability of seeing all that he sees that he doesn't open up his parachute, doesn't see the ground. Even before his body crashes and crushes and plummets into it. A dent is formed in this ground that braced his destruction.

Just like that dent that will appear on the side of your body sooner or later, whether it's from the way he clenches at your arm and never lets go, even if you yell at him too, or the way he caresses it whenever he says he's sorry.

Or maybe she'll keep whispering it in your ear after ever treachery that the words erode away to nothing, you can't hear them anymore and you can only hear the reverberation of her voice as she asks for forgiveness against your neck. You just stare ahead. You just nod yes.


You'll take them back.

Even if this all slides to the back of your mind, like cold sleet, and melts away to a mere body of water. You remember every wrongdoing, but let it flow away like it's nothing. Cause that's what it is, right? It's nothing.

And this is aspect of love is what scares me the most.

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