the agreement

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"why do i have to do this?!" millie shouted.

"because you signed an agreement!" her agent fought back.

millie and jacob had their first fight. it had been 3 days since she posted the selfie. he had seen a picture of her and finn together on a fan account and thought they had been hanging out. it turned out to be just a fanmade manip of them but jacob still got mad.

the agreement had some ground rules. jacob and millie would date for at least 6 months. they had to ocasionally show off their relationship with gifts, instagram posts, comments, likes, selfies together, shoutouts to one another (especially millie, because jacob's music was coming out soon), etc. they also had to keep it lowkey when they fought.

millie's agent thought it would be good for millie to not be associated with finn forever, like many other young stars were before. jacob's agent thought it would be good for jacob's career to have more recognition and advertisement.

"i just had a little crush on him months ago! i told you that and you made this into a real thing! i didn't want this!" millie kept screaming at her agent.

"you signed the agreement so stop being a brat!"

"i signed it because you made me do it! if i could fire you now, i would!"

"well, you can't! it's on the contract. so you deal with it. and make up with jacob, you still have 6 months ahead of you." her agent said, slamming the door behind her when she left the room.

millie started crying on the couch, curled up in a ball with her chin resting on her knees.
she stopped sobbing and, still tearing up, she reached for her phone and opened the messages app.

noah, i made a terrible mistake.

hey millie, what's wrong? are you alright?

no. can i call you?

i can't talk out loud right now. it's 2am here in america. my mom thinks i'm asleep.

oh, yeah, i forgot i was a billion miles away from you.

it's not a billion, millster.

sure as hell feels like it.
why are you still up, though?

jet lag.

that sucks. well then talk to me.
i agreed to do something awful, schnipper.

is this about that boy on your story the other day? who the hell is that?

yeah... he's jacob sartorius.


the singer. he used to do too...

i have no idea who that is.

ugh, fine.


my agent made me do it! she worked up this agreement with his agent and now i'm trapped

so what do you have to do?

we have to date for at least 6 months.

god, that's a lot. we'll be back filming stranger things by then.

yeah... how am i going to face finn? god i'm SO stupid

yeah you are


i'm kidding!! you got dragged into this, millie.
well you have two options
1- you tell finn about the agreement
2- you pretend like you really like this boy and you just own it

i have to go with the second one... the less people know about the agreement, the safer i am. please don't tell anyone about this, noah.

i won't. i know it's hard millie, but you can do this. i'll be here for you if you need me

thanks, schnipper. i love you, good night

bye, millster. love you too

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