Quick A/N

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This is a female reader insert story. The reader will not be the damsel in distress. I am a feminist, and I don't like when the girls are made to look as if she needs a boy to fix her problems. If you don't like that, then please don't read the book.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I hope that you enjoy this book, as it's very fun for me to write. I'm also very sorry for any assumptions that I may make of the reader in this story, in no way am I trying to offend anyone or cause harm. Any assumption that I make of the reader is for plot purposes ONLY. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story, I love each and every one of my readers, whether you are a ghost reader or a spammer, I love and appreciate all of you. Now ON WITH THE WORDS!!!!

Yours Truly ¤ Harry Potter X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن