" chapter two "

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It was the last day of the week, Friday. Everyone was up and about when the afternoon hit and it was lunch time for the different classes. Specifically, the Seniors.

"Alrighty, alrighty, rafiki yangu, let's get back to what needs to be discussed, seriously." Tyrone spoke once everyone took their seats.

"What needs to be discussed?" Asked one of his female friends Bianca.

"Benni!" Tyrone smiled, "Do I need to tell you some shit about your twin."

"What Benji do this time?" She asked taking a seat next to Ty.

"Well —"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Benjamin growled eyeing Ty and Bianca's way. "What the hell dude, are you seriously going to tell my sister?" He asked looking embarrassed.

"What you embarrassed about little brother? You can always tell me anything, you know that." Bianca said.

"A minute, Benni, you're older by a minute. And it's nothing important. Go sit with the cheerleaders." He annoyingly sighed taking a seat in front of her.

"Cheerleaders are fake, I don't sit with the fakes." She deadpans taking a bite out of a fry.

"Oh look, you'll fit in perfectly," Benjamin mumbled tired of his sister. Bianca threw a fry his way, in the process, Benjamin caught it in his mouth.

"Anyways, continue Ty." She encouraged him to continue on with his news.

"Before I was rudely interrupted," he grins Benjamin's way, "I was going to say that," he looks at Bianca, "your brothers gay."

Benjamin slams his hands on the table getting attention from the tables behind him, "No I'm not!"

Ilya, who was peacefully eating his lunch while ignoring the obnoxious trio, jumped in surprise. "Benji. Calm down."

"Right, Benji, calm down. You're acting like a child. I don't care if your gay —" Bianca started.

"I'm not."

" —whatever, or not, I don't care. You're still my annoying little twin brother." She said rolling her eyes. "And I love you just like that. Now don't make me say that shit ever again."

"Well I do." Riley spoke up, "What if he stars jacking off to one of us?"

"Dude, I like coochie, boobs, girls! I like girls." Benjamin protested.

"Yeah? Then explain why you didn't seem disgusted when you were talking about the kiss?" Tyrone asked.

Benjamin blushed, averting his eyes from Tyrone, "I-I don't know."

"Benji, it's okay. Fuck Riley." Ilya stated glaring at Riley. "And fuck anyone who judges you. You're still you. Like Bianca said." Bianca's body was warming up, her stomach filling up with butterflies. She wanted to squeal out in euphoria, but, in that moment, she could only smile like a dork.

"Ilya is right Benji." Agreed Bianca, glancing at Ilya.

"Nah, fuck that gay shit. I'm out. If you have a gay friend you gay. Y'all gay." Riley picked up his lunch tray and moved onto another table with the football players.

The table was quiet, people were either eating or thinking. Benjamin felt humiliated, he couldn't believe his friends were going crazy about the on purpose —he admits to that— drunk kiss. It was never that serious. I, Benjamin thought, should have just kept my mouth shut.

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