" chapter three "

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Ilya, Benjamin, Kimiko, and Tyrone were seated and eating at Chipotle —Kimiko had decided. Their minds were on their dish and how good it was, but Ilya's.

"You know," he started, "what was his deal anyway?"

"Who's?" Kimiko asked her mouth full.

"Kimiko, dude, finish what you got in your mouth before speaking," Benjamin stated disgusted. "You're a lady, please act like one."

"Oh," she opened her mouth showing her chewed up food, "blah."

Blocking out the duo bickering back and forth, Tyrone and Ilya continued on with the discussion at hand. "Don't worry about him, Ilya, honestly forget him," Tyrone said taking a bite out of his burrito bowl. "Don't know why you worried, to be honest."

"Dude, trust me I am. And I'm not. But..." Ilya looked down at his half-eaten bowl. He was thinking back to the first time they met, how they met, and the first conversation they had. Embarrassing. He was an ass to Ilya for no reason the second time they saw each other. Wasn't it him who was acting, what would the word be, horny, for Ilya? Then the second day, he got all mad at him for what? Because he couldn't answer his question? Pathetic.


"I don't know." He mumbled, "And can you guys shut up!" The duo stopped their fussing, locking their attention to Ilya James.

"Benjamin, you know Kimiko doesn't follow that gender rule shit. She's her own style. And Kimiko,"

"Yes, Lilly?"

"Hi Kimiko~" Ilya couldn't stop himself, he loved greeting Kimiko.

"Hi, Lilly~"

"Please be considerate of Benji, he gets disgusted easily."

"Awww, Ilya, my man, if I were drunk, I'd kiss you," Benjamin said playfully mimicking smooches, making Kimiko burst out into laughter.

"Benjamin, " Tyrone studied him questioningly, "for someone who was getting angry at the gay comments that were made at you, you sure do make gay comments about you like it's nothing."

"First of all, " Benjamin eyed Tyrone, "there's a huge difference."

"Don't start a debate with him." Kimiko shook her head in disappointment. "It's pointless."

"I wasn't, " Tyrone agreed. "Kimiko was it? I think we should chill out more. Like, I only see you hang out with thing 1 and his sidekick. If you need someone to cuddle up to, cutie, I'm your man and you know it." He winked.

"Oh, should we now?" Kimiko flirted back batting her eyes.

After a couple of minutes of eating, Benjamin asked, "Wait, who the fuck is the sidekick?"

It was time for practice, Ilya, Tyrone, and Benjamin were outside with the rest of their teammates waiting on their always 'on time' coach.

"Why this bitch always late?" Asked a teammate by the name of Bruno.

"Bruno," the coaches daughter, Sandra, spoke, "shut the hell up, man, or catch these hands!"

Bruno gave Sandra a dirty look, "You wanna go Johnson?"

"Nah, fool, do you wanna go?" She got into position, her arms and hands ready for whatever Bruno was coming her way with.

"Bet," he tackled her onto the ground his hands roaming her body, she was screaming loudly, begging for help from her friends but they shook their heads, their facial expression reading 'what did you expect'. They ignored her and went back to chatting.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2018 ⏰

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