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Not a chapter but, an introduction to the actual story

She had Deans long eyelashes and plump lips.

She had Sams puppy dog eyes and well fit body.

She had Deans short height and Sams ability to show emotion.

Phisiclly, something was different. She didnt have Sams big brown eyes or Deans vibrent green ones.

She got both, one brown eye, one green eye.

There was something else though, something not even Castiel could figure out.

She had,



Earing disorders

She wasn't fit by chance or workouts. She starved, she starved until she passed out from fatigue or when force fed. She rarely ever ate by choice. Only when she knew that if she didn't eat, they would get suspicious.

She thought of herself in the worst way possible. When her and Cas first met, that was all he could hear. It was like somebody else was in her head just screaming at her.

She's fat

A burden

An embarrassment



Not good enough

She should just die

He didn't know what was going on in her mind so he just tuned it out. Sometimes he would listen in again only to find out it had gotten so much worse.

But please, don't blame the angel, he doesn't understand what these thoughts are doing to you. He doesn't know the cost they're doing just by being there.

He tried to talk to Dean about it, only to be brushed off. He tried Sam, who he thought would listen, but Sam wouldnt listen either. He even tried talking to you about it, only to be sent away.

So please, don't blame the angel he did try. Its just that, nobody cared enough to listen.

Or so she thought.

That young girl only thought the worst of herself, it was even enough to worry another angel besides Cas. Yes, even Gabe got in on it.

When the humans didnt listen to Cas he went to his brother, and he did listen. He tuned in on the girls thoughts only to be heartbroken.

Don't blame him either. He also tried, the same thing happened. Everybody, even you, pushed him away.

Hell, they both tried at the same time. Nothing seemed to work. So they turned it off. They promised never to look into your thoughts again.

What a mistake....

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