the negotiation

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"shaggy stay outside and do a headcount on the minions!" I shout as we approach the oncelers house. "aww man i always do the annoying jobs" shaggy says as he starts to count the armada. Max and i barge into the oncelers house and see the Onceler and Master Shi Fu reading a book together. "w-w-w-wat r u doinng here?" Shi fu asks jumping ontop of Oncelers head. "me and gmax are negotiating. wanna join my crew shifu and onceler?". "whats in it for us?" Oncie says. "uhh... ill give you a davy jones poster signed by his crew and MALCOlm". I reply. They huddle up for a few seconds and whisper. Onceler comes up to me. "we're in.". They go upstairs to put some clothes on. "ok Grandpa why are you here?" i say turning to him. "plumbers are disappearing... Nefario has done something. Im here to get em." Max says with determination. "oh cool thats what we are doing." I reply. "oh um. can i join u guys?" Max asks. "ok but you have to promise not to hurt anyone in the Greater Galactic German Australian Reich. That includes Vilgax and Davy!" I say pointing to the davy poster. "I pinky promise!" Gmax sayys and our pinkies touch eachothers. Onceler and Shifu come downstairs. Onceler in a green  suit and shifu is wearing some kung fu robe. We walk out and r greeted by shaggy

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