bigger on insoide

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"HolY sH1T waT do We Do?""""" Shi fu says. We all think of what to do as the eye gets redder. "HAH lets go to GMAX's shiP!" Once-ler says pointing at the ship. We run towards it but then a huge blast hits it and it turns to ashes. "WTH HAPPENED!?!?" Shaggy says recovering from the blast. "it blew up..." I say. "I still have another ship :)" GMAX says pointing towards a shitty RV. "Dude that's not a spaceship and how will we fit all the minions on!?" I ask distressed. Gmax presses a random button that he pulled from his pants and the RV grows wings and a jet. "Ok so we can fly but it still won't fit everyone in." I says. "oooh trust me it will. Its bigger on the inside ;)" Gmax says and winked to me. We stuffed all the minions in the basement of the RV and went to the wheel. we flew away as the beam started killing all the civies.

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