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I fell asleep on the hospital bed again, and entered a very unpleasant memory.


I started to hyperventilate. It was a good day. The door to my cell opened and they grabbed me, dragging me out into the chamber's where the other prisoners could see. Many poked their heads out as always, offering fearful and sad looks as I screamed for help. The help I wasn't going to get. They opened the cellar door again and threw me in.

I landed on a bunch of pins, feeling them stick into my body as I let out a gasp of pain.

They pulled me up and stripped me of my clothes, leaving me in a torn pair of shorts only. They strapped me to a blood covered chair and grabbed two metal rods. I could see sparks coming out of them. "This should do it." One of the men laughed and shoved them both on my sides, causing a painful shock to shoot through my body, making a home. I tried to scream, but it hurt to move my mouth. The shock made me shake violently as pain swirled in my body. He removed the rods and I gasped, feeling as if my insides had been fried. The next thing they did was grab a blade. They held down my arm and shoved it into my wrist. Tears fell from my eyes as fast as the blood fell from my arm. They dragged the blade up my arm, stopping at my shoulder.

I was sobbing, begging, screaming. It hurt so much- I'd do anything to make it stop. I'd worship and bow down to the avengers if it meant I could leave. They did the same to my other arm and I started to feel sick, dizzy.

"Stop it, we aren't trying to kill him."

I swallowed the bit of vomit in my mouth as they pulled me off the chair, pushing me to my knees. My head was forced up so I could look at the torturer through half closed eyes. "You're never going to leave here. You're going to die here, monster. Thor will forget about you, Odin will not care, and your mother can't quite do anything in her grave now can she?" Tears fell out of my eyes as a hand wrapped around my neck. I was dragged up the wall, my feet dangling below me as my vision slowly faded.

He dropped me onto what felt like glass. I felt the shards dig into my flesh. I had lost so much blood, it's a wonder I'm still alive. I looked down at my hands, and saw my fingers had started to change blue. Maybe I would die here.

The torture lasted for hours before I was dragged back into my cell and thrown onto the floor.

I felt so close to death as I crawled around my cell, looking for anything sharp. I settled for a piece of glass before shoving it into my wrist, seeing blood gush out as I hit the floor.


I hummed as I walked up the stairs to the hospital wing. I froze as I heard a scream. A blood curdling scream full of fear and pain. I ran up the stairs and threw the door open, seeing Loki tossing and turning on his bed violently. I ran towards him and grabbed his flailing limbs, pulling him to my chest. He was screaming in that language again, his skin radiated a harsh cold. "Loki, call down. You're ok, it's ok." I ran my thumb over his knuckles softly, ignoring the pain of his nails digging into my palm. "Come on baby, you're ok." Wait did I just call him baby? He calmed down slightly, but his chest was still heaving, and tears trailed from his closed eyelids. I felt his grip on my shirt tighten and heard the fabric rip. "Loki, reindeer, come on. You're ok, wake up. You'll be ok." I kept whispering things into his ear, and pretty soon he calmed down completely. I heard a whisper.


I hugged him tighter as he wiped at his tears. "Are you ok?" He shook his head and looked up at me. His eyes were beautiful. A million stars. They shone brighter, his eyes.

I didn't notice I had gotten closer until I felt something on my lips.

A kiss.

It was soft, sweet. And it was over. Loki shoved himself away from me, his eyes filled with fear. "I- I'm sorry. I- god I'm such a dunce-" I cupped his cheeks and kissed him again. I felt something as soft as feathers brush on my cheeks, alerting me he had closed his eyes.

I pulled away and pressed my forehead to his, watching as a gentle pink glow settled on his cheeks, his mouth slightly agape. I laughed lightly and watched his lips curl up in a smile. It felt as if I had just gotten off a high. It was..


Yeah.. that's the word. Exhilarating.


There! The moment you've all been eating for, the main attraction, the kiss. Are you happy with it?


||✅|| in your arms is where i wanna be; frostironNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ