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Tony and I jumped farther apart than you could imagine, staring in shock at the person at the door. Steve stood there, his arms crossed and anger flashing in his eyes. "Tony. I told you already, he's a villain." I flinched at the word, watching as Tony stood up. "Yeah? Guess what? News flash? Heres a revelation? I don't care. Hes not a villain, Steve, he's changed. Need me to spell it out for you?" I backed away from them, sitting into the wall as much as possible. "Tony, I said no." This is my fault. "You're not my boss, Rogers." There was a pause. "He's not sleeping here." Tony shook his head. "Fine. We'll set up the guest room." Steve shook his head. "No, he's not sleeping here." Another pause. Then Tony scoffed. "You mean, not in the tower? Yeah, that's not happening. Hes gonna stay here, alright?" Steve turned to me. God, I hate to admit that I was scared. "Get up." He demanded. "No, leave him alone." Tony crossed his arms. "Get up, Loki, I'm well past being polite." I slowly got off the bed, standing quite close to it.

He glanced at me and.. his eyes were full of anger and jealousy.


I glanced back at Loki, seeing the unease in his eyes. He messed with his sleeves as he glanced at me. 'i can leave, Tony, it is fine.' I shook my head. "Steve, please." Said person shook his head. "I'm sorry, Tony, but I can't let this happen." I scoffed and laughed at how stupid he sounded. "Can't let WHAT happen? Can't let us be HAPPY?" He just sighed. "I can't let you do this to yourself. I became an avenger to help-" I laughed, but loudly. "HELP? Are you seriously THAT FAR up your ass?! You are HYSTERICAL!" He rolled his eyes. "That's not the point! Loki, came with me, you're leaving." Loki took a step forwards, but I put my arm out to block him. "No." I stated. "Yes." I looked back T Loki as he pushed on my arm. 'Tony, please, don't fight I'll go.' I swear it looked like he had tears in his eyes. 'Tony please. Its ok, I'll be back, I promise.' I moved my hand. "Promise?" I asked. He nodded. I sighed and stood slouched Infront of my desk as Loki left with Steve. As soon as I heard the door close I pushed everything off my desk, listening as it hit the wall and fell to the floor.


An/ darlings, I'm so sorry I didnt update sooner! I've had horrible writers block for this story and I just didnt have any motivation. The reason this chapters so short is because I feel like if I make it longer I'll screw it up.. anyways, I won't be able to update as frequently because school just started up. Speaking of which, I have homework I need to finish. Again, sorry. Love you,


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