#26 It's Your Birthday

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This preference book has been out for about a year now. That's a long time! Maybe as a birthday present you could give it a vote or a comment? Maybe?? It would make me very happy to know there are people reading this.

Got a picture of Mr. Bean wishing you a happy birthday on the side and Birthday by Selena Gomez. :P x)


Prefs. 126-130

LOUIS: And he makes sure that he will be with you all day. He never leaves your side and gets you anything you need. He buys you a Neapolitan ice cream cake with brownie bits and you guys finish a quarter of the cake by the end of the day. He gives you kisses and cuddles all day and you went out for dinner as well. He makes you have a little fun and play jokes on people, play games and does whatever he can to make you laugh. Since its your birthday, he makes sure to make you smile or laugh a lot and have a good one.

HARRY: And he makes sure to make you have a great day starting with a bouquet of roses and a breakfast in bed meal. He decorates the house and makes you feel old, while not making you feel bad. He wants to show you that he loves you and cares about you. He gives you birthday kisses and lots of tiny presents for you to open throughout the day.

NIALL: And he makes you a big breakfast and gives you little kisses throughout the day. He performs the song he wrote for you and gives you a hand written card. He takes you out for lunch and buys you roses. You Skype with your family and friends with him. And closer to the end of the day, he brings out cupcakes for you two to enjoy while watching a movie in your bed.

LIAM: He isn't there on your special day because he is on tour. He feels bad and you miss him a lot. You receive roses and a box of birthday chocolates by your apartment door from Liam. He calls you every few hours to make sure your doing fine and when you open the box of chocolates, it also has a plane ticket for you to join him on the rest of the tour.

ZAYN: He wakes you up with a big kiss and breakfast. He brings a pile of movies, his sketch pad, pens and food into your room. As you both watch the movies, he sketches a picture for you that has you and heart shaped balloons that say happy birthday surrounding you. When he's finished, he gets you both food and you continue to watch movies while cuddling in bed. Then, he gets out the cake, while ordering some dinner for you two. You have a small get together with some of your friends later that night and go out to a club.


Just a little update since I won't be able to update next week because I'll be going to their concert! :) 


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