The Fire

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"I'm sorry about all of this, but I love her. Shannon, you've had so many girlfriends, please just let me have her. I don't know what it's like to love someone." Jared said with a gloomy look on his face. "Fine, but she's so pretty. You're so lucky." Shannon replied. "THE PANCAKES!" I shouted. I could smell them all the way from the other room. The pancakes were now Engulfed in flames. "NOT AGAIN, NO I HATE MY COOKING AGH." Jared very angrily shouted. I just say there and laugh, as I couldn't really help myself.

Shannon and I were both getting ready to just about cry, Jared's reaction was too hilarious. "GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW AND HELP ME." Jared very sternly shouted. I quietly shuffled over there, expecting him to be pissed at me. He started to lift a fire extinguisher from a cabinet and stared at the fire for a few moments. In an instant Jared had turned and sprayed me. "Oh my god Jared really," We were both having a twenty minute laughing session. Well Jared was laughing, I snatched the extinguisher from his hands and shot him right back.

"That wasn't intended to happen but oh well." He whispered the locked his lips onto mine. It was a sweet sort of peck. One I have never really felt before. As he kissed me, Shannon was in the corner looking really mellow. I pretended not to notice. Jared leaned in to kiss me again, and as seconds went by that his lips were locked on mine, the fire grew and grew, as if that fire were like his love for me. A love so strong, and a love that continues to keep growing.

"I love you, and if the world were to end right now I would be ok with it. Because I would have you in my arms." Jared picked me up and carried me onto the couch, where I sat on his lap as we began to watch t.v.

"I love you too." I replied.

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