The Big Surprise

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"I can't breathe this is too much." I cried and confessed to Jared. "I don't know what it is about me, I just can't love myse"- "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, please don't say such a thing. You're all I've ever wanted in life. I never expected fame, all I really wanted was you." Jared interrupted.

I was in this state of feeling like I was useless. Here I am having an amazing boyfriend who can do anything but I can't even do half of the things he can. Can I sing? No. Can I act in movies? No. I just want to be liked by people. So many people had hated me and I was beginning to feel sick and tired of it. I felt horrible about everything.

"You know what? Wouldn't your life be better if you hadn't met me? I mean I'm just this train wreck right now. I'm crying in front of you and I'm embarrassed now. I'm sorry for coming into your life." I began to quickly pace into the kitchen where the white walls began to mock me even more.

"You made me complete." Jared began. "You were the missing puzzle piece out of the whole puzzle. You're all I've ever needed and wanted. Please don't leave, you're an angel."

I began to feel a little better. Hearing that I'm important coming out of Jareds mouth just set it for me. "Why does he love me?" I questioned myself. He was so perfect. Hot, sexy, kind, you name it. I never deserved him. What if he breaks up with me? Would I even be able to live?

"We're going out." Jared said.

"Where?" I asked.

"Somewhere special." He replied.

We began to walk out the store and we stepped on our porch. The beautiful sky was all around me. I was fascinated. The clouds looked like little fluffy cotton balls, and everything just felt right. Next, Jared opened the car door for me. We began to drive and we ended up at the Xfinity Center.

"See right here?" He asked.

"Yeah? It's the Xfinity Center." I replied.

"It's not just the Xfinity Center." He began. "It's the place where I first saw your beautiful brown eyes. It's the place where I saved you from being mugged. This is where it all began. You and I against the world. Can I ask you something?" He got on one knee.

"Will you be here with me forever? You and I is an amazing thought. Will you take my hand in marriage?" He pulled out the box with a ring in it.

"OH MY GOD YES!" I shouted so loud. All I did was ran into his arms. Nothing could stop us now.

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