Sacrifices and Surprises

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Running towards the stairs, we struck down demons as we passed, slashing and stabbing, ducking around claws and teeth. It seemed to take forever to get to the top of the stairs. Monsters hot on our tail, we burst out into the court yard, and I could see Katrina still tied to the gate. If we could just make it to her, we'd be able to get away. There were too many demons to fight, and we slammed and bolted the door to the outhouse, slowing down the horde for only a minute. In a dead sprint now, we headed towards Katrina, hearing the splinter of wood as the door was defeated and the scream of demons pouring after us. Suddenly, a creature burst from the hedge and flew straight into me, sending me flying across into the opposite bush. One of my blades had been knocked out of my hand, and I grimaced as I pulled my self out of the rose bush, but there was no time to stop. The horde of demons ran straight past, having not seen the other throw me into the bush, too busy charging after my father who had almost reached Katrina. The thing that had thrown me into the bush scrambled into sight, a dark red scaly spider like creature that stood as tall as my shoulder and as wide as a boulder, with terrible long pincers that dripped with saliva. As I watched, it seemed to look behind it, and then two more monstrous creatures skittered into sight. The first lunged at me, pincers extended towards my throat, but I blocked it with my blade just in time. I stepped towards it, blade held high ready to strike, but it scuttled to side, pincers flashing and creating a gash in my thigh, causing my breath to hiss between my teeth. Seeing my slight distraction, one of the others came towards me, and playing bait I waited until it scuttled close enough that I flicked my blade up and stabbed it in the stomach. I looked at the other two, and having an idea, I ran at a tree, and as I expected heard the tell tale clack of their freakish legs following me as they tangled together. Rather than stopping at the tree like they thought I would, I ran up it somersaulting backwards over them and stabbing one clean through whilst quickly kicking one away. The last one tswubg its pincers low, and stabbing my blade into the ground I blocked it, but I used the blade now stood in the ground as a quick platform as I jumped into the air, landing on it's head and forcing it to the ground under my sudden weight. I flung out my arm and grasped my blade, pulling it from the earth and into it's head faster than the eye cold blink. Allowing my self a small smile of victory I looked towards where my father was, sat upon Katrina, and my heart sank. There was too many demons between us, and if he didn't leave we would both die. Suddenly my spine straightened as I looked at him, my resolve firm. I might die here, but if I did, I was going down swinging.

"Go. Avenge me." I mouthed, and let myself smile one last time. He looked at me, tears streaming down his face looking as if he were about to refuse, but Katrina was done. All this had happened within a split second, and the horde was practically on them. Katrina, with a heartbroken man on her back, turned and galloped away faster than the wind.
With nothing left to lose, I turned and ran in the opposite direction, towards the castle, the roar of the demons picking up as they realised not all of their food was lost.

I have never ran so fast in my life. Every ounce of Dark Hunter blood in me was called upon to simply go faster. A few demons leapt at me, but were sliced so quickly they shouldn't have bothered. Finally, I screeched to a stop at the massive stone doors, shoving and banging on them with all my might only to find they would not move. With a choked sob, I turned to face the sea of evil that thundered towards me, and I sent a prayer to the heavens that my father was safe. Raising my blade in my last stance, I was ready to die. Out of nowhere, a hand grasped the back of my jacket, yanking me backwards into the castle and slamming the door closed with a terrific bang. Breathing heavy, my heart stops when I feel cold metal at my throat, and I slowly look up to stare into what seemed to be the devils eyes, all black including the white, and showing absolutely no emotions what so ever. Slowly, his red lips peeled backinto a snarl over gleaming white teeth.

"Who are you and why are you here?" A voice that ran as smooth melted chocolate yet was cold to feel met my ears. And with that, my world faded to black.

Blinking open heavy lidded eyes, I sat up, finding myself on a plush canopied bed. I was in a large room, the walls all a beautiful cream and each corner of the room was adorned with gold patterns. A large window was to my right, the blue curtains drawn. Getting to my feet, I realised that someone had changed my clothes, and I now wore a billowy white blouse a couple sizes too big and a pair of black trousers. The cold marble on my bare feet was uncomfortable, but my boots were no where in sight. Drawn by an invisible force, I walked towards the window and drew a curtain back slightly as I peered out cautiously. I gasped, and my hand flew to my mouth in shock. A swirling a black mass of demons seemed to stretch around the castles perimeter, and as I watched a demon flung itself towards the wall of the castle, only for a blinding white light to appear in a flash, leaving the demon as a pile of ashes. Dropping the curtain back into place, I thught about what I had seen. The amount of demons outside looked already to be in the hundreds, seeming to have multiplied whilst I was unconscious. The white light must mean that the castle has wards against demons, but with the amount of demons increasing it wouldn't be long till their mass over powers the strength of the wards.

"Quite a shocking scene, is it not?"
I whirled around, already scanning the room for anything that could be used as a weapon before my eyes came to rest on him. Leaning against the doorframe to the room was the same man that had held a sword to my throat before I passed out. His eyes were still as dark as night, no emotion reflected in their depths, but his mouth twitched at the edges, suggesting amusement.
"Who are you?" I finally managed to force out, and I could only stare as he lifted a hand to stroke long fingers though inky hair. The shadows of the hallway behind him were cast on his face, making his already chiselled cheekbones look ready to give you a rather serious paper cut. He was beautiful. Inhumanly so.
"I could be asking the same question. After all, you are the one that was running around on my grounds. Not to mention I don't usually invite women into my bed without knowing their names unless I'm particularly inebriated." His words caused a blush to rise up to my cheeks, and I straightened my spine as I realised he was only toying with me. Striding up to him with all the grace I could muster, I looked him dead in the eye. The sunlight shone through a slight gap in the curtains I had accidentally left, lightening my eyes till they resembled the colour of sunlight shone through whiskey, and I could see them reflected in his cold gaze. Crossing my arms to appear fierce, I raised my chin.
"My name is Belle Blanc. I came here for my father and instead I lose him but meet you. Now, who are you?" My voice had a steely edge to it, even as I watched his lips part to reveal a pink tongue resting between just on his lower teeth, causing my knees to go weak as he studied me.

"My name was Robin Alarie. Now they call me Beast."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2018 ⏰

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