ScorchClan Camp

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Here is the clans camp.


The camp is a shallow dip in the ground that's surrounded by thorn bushes making it easy to defend and hard for others to attack, unless the attacker is willing to have their pelt and paws full of thorns.

The leaders den is at the back of the camp slightly to the left, this is also where meetings are held. The den is the upturned roots of a large cedar tree, the bark and roots are easy to climb which makes easy access to the top of the roots which over looks the camp and is where the leader stands to call the meetings. The actual den is located under the trunk of the upturned tree where the ground under it is hollowed out where it creates a small cave.

The warriors den is located on the left side of the camp by the entrance. It's located under a giant willow tree, most of it's branches reach the ground acting as protection from wind and rain, but there is also a thorn barrier for when it becomes leaf bare and the leaves of the willow tree die.

The medicine cat den is located at the back of the camp on the right side of the leaders den. There is a big pine tree that is hollowed out at the base of the trunk, there are some ferns that drap over the entrance that keeps the wind out.

The apprentices den is located a bit father from the entrance on the right side. The apprentices den is a dug out dip in the ground surrounded by thorn bushes the some trees over head to protect them from rain.

The nursery is between the apprentices den and the medicine cats den. The nursery is a hollowed dip in the ground with a thorn bush barrier and roof with moss and ferns to plug the gaps.

The elders den is between the warriors and leaders den. The den is a fallen log that leads into a small clearing sheltered by the branches of a cedar tree.

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