StormClan Territory

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StormClans Territory

StormClans territory is beside FogClan and ScorchClan. The clans territory is in a large forest filled with vines and greenery of all sorts. there is lots of small ponds and streams throughout the territory because of all the rain and storms.

The prey that you can find here is, Mice, voles, birds, occasionally rabbits, lizards, squirrels and some fish.

Herbs you can find here is, Bindweed, BlackBerry plants (leaves), Borage, Broom, Chervil, Cobweb, Comfry Root, Daisy, Dandelion, Dock, feverfew, Honey, Horsetail, Mallowleaves (rare), Marigold, Parsley (rare), Poppy, ragwort, rasberry, Rush, stinging nettle, Tormentil, Watermint, Death Berries, Foxglove, Nightshade (rare).

When you're Role Playing choose a location and put brackets before you RP Example: [TALL PINES] I padded into the clearing looking up at the sky. This way people know where you are and wont be like: I tackled you. (or something) even though you're no where near each other. If you're not in any of the areas then just put [FOREST] before you type.

The areas that you can go to are.

Tall pines, This is a clearing where tall pine trees grow around it. pretty close to camp

Great Oak, Here is where a giant oak is. Its branches seem to touch the sky. it's far from camp

Lake of Light, Here is a big lake where the suns reflection fills the lake with light. Pretty far from camp

FogClans border, The territorys are divided by a large river. It's extremely far from camp

ScorchClans border, These territorys are divided by a river. It's extremely far from camp

WarriorCat Roleplay!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ