3. Party!!! - Part 1

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Dedicated to sehssy and tajcayanan27 for being awesome by adding this book to their reading list . Love ya both.......

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Amy's P.O.V

"So you are telling me that a super hot guy became our next door neighbor since yesterday and you did not tell me." I scream at my sister who  just nods her head like a lizard  at my question while i pace on the floors of her room like a girl who is waiting for an HIV  test result.

"You and mum went out yesterday remember and also i dont think it was necessary to tell you" Oh yes i totally forgot about the so called daughter - mother bonding time i had with my mother yesterday.

"All the same you should have told me so that i could be more careful " I make some hand gesture in the air like a werido clown.

"From what , it not like the guy is a serial killer or a rapist" Lauren flips her hair and stares at me.

"What if he is a serial killer that just happen to move here after killing thousands of people in another town" i lay out a terrible theory.

"Relax , Jake is not a serial killer or a rapist" Lauren says the last word in disgust.

Wait she even knows his name .

"How do you know his name" I folded my arms and change my face expression into a serious one.

"I may have stalked him" Lauren answers sheepishly and fiddles with her fingers.

"So what  did you find out" I jump on her bed .

"Seriously , all the charade you have been performing since was because you needed information about Jake " A smirk forms on her face .

"Maybe" I say in a low tone . "So tell me please , I need to know whether is a stalker or not"  I give Lauren a little nudge in the arm.

"Well according to goggle , he is the heir to Townsend Groups and  he is very rich also his face has been on many tabloids for his bad boy behavior which is kinda pissing his parents of so they sent him to an unknown town"

"Which is here" I complete her gossip story for her.

No wonder he is able to afford the most expensive house in vinewood .

"Yeah so tell me how you met Jake"  Lauren gives me those keen gossip eyes.

"Its none of your business" I scowl at her as  i walk out of her room and shut the door of my room behind me as i entered.

So jake is like this triple treat of a guy . He is a super hot handsome guy , a rich freaking brat and a knight in shining armour (considering he saved me from  my suicide attempt).  I remove the pendant on my neck and make an attempt to drop it on my dressing table when i notice a chiseled muscular shirtless figure in the other room next door, the back of his body is sooo compelling and oooh girl am lost in lust. The figure turns it back and as it about to face me , i immediately jump on my bed to hide my face when i hear a familar voice .

"Like what you see" I stood up and faced the window directly . There he stood , Jake Townsend , the guy of every girl dreams , my knight in shining armour .

"I was  definately not checking you out" I lied.

"I never said anything about checking out , Pretty" He gives me one of those boyish charming sweet smile.

Wait he actually has a nickname for me.  Ok am pretty sure most of us dont believe in love at first sight  well i believe cause i believe am already in love with a guy i met today.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2018 ⏰

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