Chapter Two

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I studied myself in the bathroom mirror. The light blue shirt Nell had picked out for me had  'Milkshake Mania,' embroidered in white across the front in a messy cursive scrawl. It was form fitting and actually looked pretty good. I pulled my dirty blonde hair up into a tight high ponytail, and gave myself one last cursory glance before walking out of the bathroom and straight into Carter.

"Geez Betty, watch where you're going." He snapped.

Anger bubbled beneath my skin. "What's your problem?!" I shot back. He'd had a bad attitude since the moment we met, and I was very quickly getting tired of it. Dealing with Remi was one thing. I didn't need Carter and his grumpy ass making me feel any worse. Carter looked as if he were about to say respond, when Nell rounded the corner. 

"Oh good, that looks great on you!" She gushed as she approached us, oblivious to the still charged atmosphere. Nell was was sporting her own uniform top that accentuated her delicate frame perfectly. I followed Carters eyes who were fixed on her, and felt a pang of jealousy run through me.

"Thanks, Nell," I replied.

"No problem! Alright, now that the resturaunt's officially open, I can show you how to clock in, enter orders and all that jazz." I followed her over to the old school cash register sitting on the counter. As we walked, I notice Remi through the order window, which peered straight into the kitchen. It took nearly all of my will power to focus as Nell walked me through the basics of how to clock in and use the cash register. We were walking through how to enter food allergies on tickets, when the first customer of the day walked in.

"Bevvy! How's my little worker bee doing on her first day?"

Oh god, just when I thought today  couldn't get any worse....

"Mom, what are you doing here?!" I groaned, mortified that she of all people had decided to show up on my first day.

"Oh, well I was in the neighborhood and thought I would pop by and drop off the lunch I made for you." She said, giving me a mischievous wink. 

I quickly made my way over and snatched the brown bag from her outstretched hand. "Mom, your embarrassing me." I hissed. I was about  to step away when she pulled me into one of her momma bear hugs. My mom was an alarmingly strong woman, and as her arms wrapped around me, I felt the air being forced out of my lungs. What was with people trying to hug me to death today?! 

"Well, that's what moms are for little bee!"  She cooed, pulling me even tighter. 

After what felt like forever, she finally released me. I took in a fresh gulp of air and shot her a glair, not missing the impish look in her eyes. Public displays of affection, even coming from my mom, made me extremely uncomfortable and she knew that. 

"Alright, alright, I'll get out of your hair, but I love you Bevvy Bee! Have a good day at work today!" She called out as I stomped back over to the register, clutching the brown paper bag tightly in my hand.

"Bye Bevvy's mom!" Everyone except Remy called out as she left. Even Carter was smiling now with a genuine look of amusement. 

"You're mom's really cute." Nell whispered.

"No she's a diabolical mastermind who can't be trusted," I muttered. 

"Yeah but a cute, one! Anyways why don't you go put your lunch away in the back fridge. Mornings are usually slow until noon, so I'll show you where to take your breaks after that."

I nodded, and gave Nell an overly dramatic salute as I sauntered away.

The walk in fridge was all the way in the back of the restaurant, right next to the employee exit. I set my sack lunch on the ground and attempted to pull the massive door open, but it wouldn't budge. I tried again, pulling even harder but to no avail. The tugging and pulling was only adding to my already building frustration when I heard Remi's call out to me.

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