Chapter Eighteen: Girl

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A/N: Hey, I'm not dead even though it's been like three months... I started this fic over a year ago and they're not together yet, I'm so sorry. Also, 1.11k views? I'm speechless, thank you!

The first thing that isn't generally assumed to be done in the mornings that Cinder does when she wakes up is switch on her laptop and log into her tumblr.

She's met with four new messages:

- Good Morning, Princess!

- Thorne says that I should explain what happened but I don't have a way to articulate it just yet so is it okay if I don't for now?

- I completely understand if you don't appreciate my insincerity and would like to stop working on my car now.

- Have an ace day!

Needless to say, she ends up grinning at her screen for so long that her eyes unfocus and everything goes blurry.

At that point, she blinks and types a quick reply, knowing she doesn't have much time before breakfast is expected to be ready.

- relax, idm, take ur time

- c u at the garage, kite boy

- ps. say hi to thorne for me by throwing smthing at him?

She then deftly logs out and shuts the laptop down, not wanting anyone to stumble across it and find out about Kai.

Breakfast is a blur, laundry is spent thinking about that one time she'd spent insulting her so-called family's fashion's taste, and her brisk walk to the café is silent.

The glass door slides open with ease so she slips inside, shivering as the warmth of the place hits her cool body. For a moment, she thinks she's made a mistake in calculating Kai's working schedule but no, she spots his silky hair behind the main counters within seconds.

Grinning to herself, she joins the small line of sleepy customers and ducks her head down a little so Kai won't recognise her.

"Why the hiding?" someone asks from behind her so she turns to see a girl with a curious smirk on her face.

Cinder shrugs. "Watch and see."

The girl nods at her, her eyes flickering between blue and green as the light hits them, and gestures for Cinder to move as the line shortens.

They don't talk more until they're at the front of the line and Cinder turns, giving the girl a small wink before stepping forwards.

"One 'I like your shoelaces', please," Cinder says, keeping her voice level, trying her best to keep a straight face.

Slightly flushed, Kai nods without looking up. "One 'I like your- wait, what?"

He pauses, drops the lid he'd picked up, and looks up with a ridiculous combination of fear and glee on his face. His copper eyes light up as soon as he matches her gaze, his furrows eyebrows of confusion rising to form a joyful expression.

"Cinder! What are you doing here? I mean, aside from more or less ordering coffee, of course..." he grins sheepishly, starting to make said beverage for her without her having to say anything.

She faces the girl behind her, who's stifling a laugh, and gives her a quick nod as if to say 'voila' before turning back to Kai and shrugging. "I just wanted to see if you were okay."

He nods at her without looking up again. "I'm okay, but I still don't understand how you can drink coffee if it's black, or at all..."

Chuckling, Cinder leans on the counter, only partially mesmerised by the way his hands deftly align the stencil and sprinkle whatever it is they put on top of coffee. "That's not your problem, kite boy," she mumbles, hoping he won't notice how distracted she is.

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