Chapter 2

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' I felt soft lips on mine. It was...'
It was... Jake
(*A/N* Jake is your BF 😒well for now at least 😏😜)
"J-Jake." You dropped the blonde on the ground for the time being to hide your face. All of a sudden everything goes black.


'After the kiss that annoying brat faints and I have to catch her to keep everyone from being suspicious and be a 'good boyfriend', I still don't see why I have to do this but, if master says it will help them then I guess I have too. I still don't see why to date her though because if I get caught then THEY WILL KILL ME, like when I started dating her, Mira and Erza gave me a innocent smile but then told me and I quote, 'If you hurt her, you will die, so be good to her.' And then they walked away like nothing happened. When I was talking to her brother and the other dragonslayer they told me the same thing, well almost.'


"Ok let's get something straight, I'm her brother and them two are like her brothers, so hurt her and we will kill you, good? Good."


'While they were talking and when they said they would kill me they had there element surrounding them like a dark aura. So this sucks guess I have to take her back to the hotel then we'll like I said this sucks.

(Hey guys well sorry if this was short but I going to sleep now so good night and before i spoil anything else I'm going leave oh and shout out to someone very special who encouraged me to make this so that you to Andreamariecn thank you again bye my lovelies)

Love like no other (Sting x Reader x Rogue)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt