Chapter 5

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...and we leave.
Present time

When we got to the arenas we were anouced. When we walked out all we could hear was everone yelling boo but then you see fairy tail yelling on the top of their lungs, something funny is 1st master mavis came to cheer us on! After all the other guilds were anouced we started. Nastu was still pretty mad about there being 2 fairy tail teams but he soon forgot about that when he remembered jake was on the raventail team. Nastu wanted to play hidden but instead we picked Gray. Once hidden started I was pissed the purple midget was only attacking fairy tail and the worst part about it is that the sabortooth guy was being cocky and hidn't even landed a hit until the end AND STILL WON BEACAUSE HE HIT EVERYONE. After that the scores were as follonwed...
Sabortooth- 10p
Raven tail- 8p
Lamia scale- 6p
Blue Pegasus- 4p
Mermaid Heel- 2p
Quatto Kerberos- 4p
Fairy Tail B -1p
Fairy Tail A- 0p
After that the announcers said somethings that I didnt really feel like listening to then Nastu cracked.
"You better stop laughing at us right now or else!" He yelled.
I was being lazy and just said...
"Let them laugh they wont be doing it for long."
As i said that we all started to evacuated the arena. This battle I wanted to deffinitly wanted to watch. It was Lucy up against a raven. I think they called her flare???
( Sorry I haven't posted in a while I just lost two of my family members and ive had a lot in my mind plus the 27th of March was my b-day sooo yeah sorry hope you can forgive me!!!)

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