The Boy at the Coffee Shop

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I sat in the coffee shop, typing away on my laptop for my daily assignments for work. As I sit back to take a few second break, a cup of coffee is placed right next to my laptop.

"It's on the house," He says, "I thought I could use my employee discount today. for a very hard working lady."

"Awww," I giggle, "That's very sweet of you. Thank you."

I watch him walk back to the counter. "He's... Kinda cute... Wait," I thought, "Why am I even thinking that I am in a relationship..." I snap from my daze and continue with my thorough review.

I see the same employee being me cup after cup after cup of coffee. Each one getting more detailed. He finally takes a seat in front of me as I close my laptop.

"Hey," I say, "Thanks for uh... Keeping an eye on me today."

"No problem," He replies, "It gave me more to do than just clean tables."

"I thought you were one of the baristas," I say

"Not me," He says, "I just started here, and cleaning tables is what they gave me to do."

"Didn't you make this though?" I ask

"Yeah, but they let me use the equipment just for you," He says, handing me another cup of coffee, "Just in case."

I smile at him, gesturing the thanks. He gets up and begins cleaning off another table. I smile as I look down at my closed laptop and begin packing it into my backpack. I swing it onto my shoulder and begin making my way to the door. I turn around to see the boy one more time. There he stood, still cleaning off tables. He looks up, and gives me a smile and a wave. I give one back, but then I also gave him an air kiss and made my leave.

 When I opened the door to the apartment, he stood there.

"Hey babe," I say, tossing my backpack onto a nearby chair

"Don't give me that 'hey babe' shit," He says, "Where have you been?"

"Just at the coffee shop like normal," I say, "Why do you always need to ask where I'm going?! You know how busy I am with work!"

I fall onto the ground, dropping the empty cup of coffee the boy at the coffee shop gave me.

"Who gave this to you?" he asks

"None of your damn business," I say

"It's damn right my business," He says, "Now, tell me, who the fuck gave that to you?"

"The boy from the coffee shop Jack," I scream

"Which one?" He asks, "There are several boys at that coffee shop who are trying to get with you."

"I didn't ask for his name, This one didn't try to get with me," I say, "He would bring me coffee when I go there to work."

"You didn't know what he could have put in there!" He screams

"If he put poison in there I would have been dead," I say, "I'm still here aren't I?!"

A sharp pain flies across my face and I fall to the floor again. He grabs my face with both of his hands and lifts me up. He pushes me against the wall, with one hand around my neck and the other pushing my stomach even furthur.

"You've been disobedient tonight," He says, "Get yourself cleaned up and meet me in the bedroom."

He lets go and walks into the bedroom.... I walk to the bathroom...

 I walk out of the bathroom and make my way to the bedroom door. Right as I'm outside I begin reaching for the doorknob. "I don't want him to do this to me, not anymore... But, where will I go? That boy... At the coffee shop... Does... He have a girlfriend?" I thought.

"I know you're out there," He says from the other side of the door, "Get in here this instant!"

My hands jerk away from the door and I begin backing away.I hear a squeak coming from the bed and loud stomps coming towards the door.

"I swear if you don't get your ass in here I will-"

I run out of the apartment, hearing the door slam open.


Unlike him, I actually work out. I ran out of the complex as fast as my legs could carry me. I kept running... And running... And running... Until I reached the coffee shop. I take a seat on the bench they had outside. I could hardly breathe, I see tears falling onto my hand. I put my hands onto my face and let it all go.

"You okay?" A voice asks

I look up and see the boy... He's holding a drink of water out for me.

"Thanks" I sniffle, "You guys are open late..."

"Weekends we're open twenty-four seven," He says, "Come inside and we'll talk. Business is slow right now and I'm on break."

I nod and take his hand into the shop.

"Brought your girlfriend back here again?" A coworker teases

"Meeh," He says, sticking his tongue out, "No, she isn't my girlfriend."

"Suree," She says, "The usual for the lady Grey?"

"I see why not," he says

He pulls out the chair for me as we find ourselves a table. "Jack never does this for me..." I thought. I seat myself as he seats himself next to me.

The girl walks over with a cup of coffee.

"On my tab," he says

"I know the drill," She replies

"N-no, let me," I say, "You've already done so much for me."

"It's no big deal, really it isn't," He says, "I'm... Grey by the way."

"That's a cute name," I giggle, "My name is Mariella, or Mari for short."

"That's a pretty unique name," He says, "I like it."

I look down at the latte while not even holding back a smile. I feel his finger tuck hair behind my ear. From the corner of my eye I see his eyes look down at me with concern.

"What's this?" He asks

I quickly put my hair back in place and brush him off.

"I understand if you don't want to talk about it," He says, "But, I'm all ears when you want to talk about it."

I watch him begin to stand from his seat. "I want to tell him... Tell him everything... Ever since I started coming to this shop, he's always been there..." I thought, "But, how will I tell him? That I really like him... That I think I'm falling in love with him..." As I look up again, he's gone... "Great... Quick thinking Mariella..." I thought. I get up and make my way to the door until...  

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