The Last Day

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"Hey Hiccup!" Merida jumped out of nowhere, startling Hiccup, causing him to knock his head at his locker. "Ow!" he whispered.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's okay Merida." he said, stroking his own head.

"Anyway, can you sign my yearbook?" she asked, handing the book to him.

"Can't you wait after school?"

Merida pouted and crossed her arms. Hiccup rolled his eyes and flipped the pages to the back of the book until he found a blank page. He signed his signature and his name.

"Here." he said after finished signing. He handed the book to Merida without closing it.

"Thank y-" she cringed her forehead, looking at the page.


"That's it? No advice or sweet comments?"

"Fine. Give me that." he said, grabbing the book from Merida's hand.

"Dear Merida, have a great summer." he said while writting them and ended with a large fullstop. He handed it to Merida with an unpleasant smile.

"Well, at least you wrote something." she said, looking at the book. Hiccup smiled unpleasantly again. So did Merida and she walked away. Hiccup rolled his eyes and turned to his locker. "What a drama queen." he mumbled.

BEEP BEEP. His phone beeped. He looked at it and recieved a message from Astrid.

"Having trouble with her?" Hiccup looked around, searching for his girlfriend but couldn't find her.

"She won't stop bothering me."

"XD. She has a crush on you."

"You know you're the only one I love."


"Haha. I did not just made you blush."

No response.



Hiccup sighed, locked his phone and kept it in his pocket. He turned to his locker and took his science books for the next class. 'At least Astrid will be there.' he thought. He smiled and shut his locker.

Walking to the classroom was easy. But going through girls who were obsessed with hot guys, was really too much. Luckily he made it through all of them.

"Haddock!" Mr Peabody shouted.

Hiccup looked at the talking dog and remembered that he always wanted his class to be five minutes early.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Mr Pea-"

"Why are you late?" he snapped. Hiccup almost said that he forgot but that will only make him angrier.

"Well, I'm waiting." he crossed his arms.

"I was attacked by a swarm of girls?" he swallowed a large gulp. He heard the other classmates giggled. Mostly girls.

"I can see why." he said, looking at Hiccup from head to toe, then at his face. "Sit down." he said, pointing at an empty chair. Hiccup sighed in relief and quickly get to his seat without making eye contact with anyone. As he sat, he was still looking down.

"A swarm of girls attacked you?" he heard a familiar voice.

He looked up and was glad to see Astrid sitting in front of him. She wasn't exactly looking at him but she was talking over her shoulder.

"Well, at least it's the truth." he whispered.

"Glad to hear that."

"Are you jealous?"

"Seriously?" she said in an angry voice but Hiccup could sense her smiling.

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