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Keithkogane00, Loverboylance7

-a few days later (they've talked at least once everyday)-

Loverboylance7: hey cutie.

Keithkogane00: No. Stop.

Loverboylance7: just stating facts.

Keithkogane00: But you don't know if they're true; so that's lying. You shouldn't lie, Lance.

Loverboylance7: I do know! Remember! The pictures??

Keithkogane00: pictures? Why is there an 's' you saw one picture. What if that was just an edited picture and I'm actually a really ugly hippo.

Loverboylance7: For one, don't say that about yourself,,,and secondly, I know you're not, because I texted...someone...and they sent me a few more pictures!! You're absolutely adorable.

Keithkogane00: ...

Keithkogane00: ...

Keithkogane00: it was Shiro wasn't it?

Loverboylance7: ...

Keithkogane00: I'm going to kill him.

Loverboylance7: DONT!! How else will I get more pictures.

Keithkogane00: Stop it!!

Loverboylance7: don't be such a grumpy pants, keef.

Keithkogane00: Dont call me that,

Loverboylance7: can't do, keefie weefie.

Keithkogane00: I've already told you, you can't call me that either.

Loverboylance7: what about...princess?

Keithkogane00: what the fuck? No.

Loverboylance7: awe, fine; baby boy.

Keithkogane00: no keiiithhhhh.

Loverboylance7: Kitten.

Keithkogane00: oh god. No.

Loverboylance7: nah you like it.

Keithkogane00: I DO NOT.

Loverboylance7: sure; whatever you say, Kitten.

8:37 PM - Read.

Keithkogane00, Takashishirogayne

Keithkogane00: if I didn't love you so much, I'd hate you.

Takashishirogayne: that makes no sense. What's up?

Keithkogane00: Fucking, Lance.

Takashishirogayne: Lance McClain?

Keithkogane00: I don't know, I guess, all I know is the asshole saw your fucking post and now he's making me feel things that I don't appreciate, and I don't even know what the guy looks like!  He could be 90!

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