Cyber Dracula 3

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Charlie sits at her desk patiently, it's ten minutes till the schoolbell rings.

She taps her fingers on her desk as the teacher wraps up his lesson on the board.


Charlie ignores the noise and Tries her best to pay attention.


She continue staring forward but she feels something hit the back of her head.

She annoyedly turns around to Michael who is smirking Like an ass, he points at a paper Plane now laying on the ground, she picks it up and turns back around.

"ReaD it!"

Charlie sighs and opens it up.

'Dearest Charles, Johnathan wants to know if you want to meet up with him later tonight to go see the new Cyber Dracula movie.'

Charlie blushes and picks up her pen to begin writing a response on her note pad.

'This isn't one of your horrible pranks is it?'

She hands it back to him and he takes a few seconds to read it.

He begins writing a reply.

'Now, Charles, would I ever play a trick on you. Oh also I packed a shit ton of snacks into a baby carrier but we have to head back to the house to get it. Wouldn't fit in the locker.'

He hands it back to her and she reads it but the teacher takes the pad out of her hands before she can finish writing up a response.

"Now Now, if it isn't the terrible Twosome. Passing notes in class again are we?"

"I'm So sorry Mr. Rich, it's just that-"

"Charlie I expected better from you, you're a good student. Just, please pay attention. Ok?"


"You're lucky it's a friday. And You!" He points at Michael.

"Oh, who me?"

The entire class is now giggling and whispering.

"Yes you, stop passing notes to her, I know you've got a heavy case of senioritis but at least try your hardest to not to spread it."

Michael sighs.

"What was that? Two days weekend detention?"

"No please! I have a social life!"

"One more sass out of you and it's weekend detention Michael. Now, back to our lesson-" The bell cuts him off and Michael is out of the room faster than a fox out of a henhouse when the sun comes up.

Charlie sighs and begins gathering up her things but before she can leave Mr. Rich stops her.

"Try to keep him in control more. I know you aren't your brother's keeper but I have a feeling he's more likely to listen to you than me."

Charlie chuckles and wishes him a nice weekend.

Her and Michael walk back home to pick up the snacks, John Meets them on the way.

When they finally get there They all come inside to chat for a bit.

"Hey Mike you aren't uh. Sticking around the entire time are you?"
John seems pretty serious.

"Oh, no. Me and Carlton bought tickets for a showing in another theatre, didn't want to third wheel you guys." He winks cheekily.

"Yeah whatever just as long as-" John notices Michael now lobbing around a full sized baby carrier wrapped in a blanket.

"What the in the fresh hell do you have that for?"

Michael flips the blanket over slightly revealing two bottles of soda and a plethora of candy.


There is a knock at the door and it busts open without anyone going over to open it.

"Hey Mike I found this little Gremlin walking around by himself in the woods what do I do with it?"

A small boy in a striped shit walks forward, he seems to be annoyed, and only gets more so when Carlton ruffles his hair.

"Oh just put him in the baby Carrier I'm sure we can sneak him in with us."



The boy walks inside and sets his bookbag down while Carlton makes his way towards the group.

"Oh hey by the way who's the baby Daddy?" He says pointing at the carrier.

"Johnathan Frid's left Big toe."


The two tricksters turn around and
speak in hushed tones while staring at the younger boy who only gets more annoyed.

"Hey I'm right here!"

Michael walks up to him and kneels a leg on the couch

"Hey fart face?"


"You wanna come to the Movies with me and Carl?"

"What about Charlie?"

Charlie looks at John nervously.

"Uh. I think Charles and Johnny boy would like some alone time."

It takes a while for it to click.

"Ew. Ok, whatever. What Movie is it?"

"Cyber Dracula 3."

The smaller boy jokingly strikes a pose like he's thinking really hard.

"Yeah Alright, just don't sit next to me this time, You smell like a dead fish."

Carlton laughs and Michael snorts before picking up the baby Carrier, the two follow him out of the door Leaving Charlie and John with some time to themselves.

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