Messed up Omegle story

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So I recently have been using a cite called "Omegle" I love meeting people and sharing stories with each other! Yes, Omegle has a lot of weirdos but I try and find the people who are nice and who I can converse with. Earlier today, I was on Omegle. I connected to a server and saw a guy with his daughter on his lap. (note: i could not see the mans face only his daughter basically) I thought the daughter was the cutest thing!! <3 she was 5 years old and she was a cutie patootie :3!!! We talked for a while, and my cat, Foxita, came in and started to purr all over me and lick my shoulders (she bonds with me that way) The man typed to me, "hey my daughter has a cute cat, wanna see?" I responded "sure :3" The man then pulled up his daughters skirt and put his finger in her vagina!!! I was shocked I couldn't believe what I just saw, he then typed lol and I was even more shocked!. I typed to the guy, "WTF is wrong with you, you're so fucked up!" Then I disconnected. Right now, in the nighttime, I was thinking about it and felt a heavy feeling in my gut. I started to pray that the little girl would eventually get far away from the sicko. Please guys, I feel so bad and wrong for witnessing this I just can't describe how bad I feel. I hope that one day all these sickos will be gone, but I know that has a high chance of not happening. Please everyone stay safe on Omegle.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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