crash (Coco Weiss Fox Black)

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Weiss point of veiw

After a while the air ship was shot down and crashed
"anyone there" you yelled out as you got up and grabed your sword "guess I am all alone" you said to yourself. you cheaked your aura levels they were about half way you desided that if you waited there nothing would happen so you went to look for the others. after a while you came across Coco unconscious you ran up to her and cheked for visible ingerys there was a large cut along her leg
"W-Weiss is that you" she said weakly
"yes it is me I am ok but your not" you said to her as you looked around for something to stop the blood loss you found a paper clip and toilet paper you wrapped the toilet paper around her leg and yoused the clip to ceep it in place "there" you said. "do you think you can walk" you asked
"no I cant feel my leg sorry weiss" she said
"It is ok I will help you" you said letting her grab onto you for support.
"wait before we leave I need to get my bag" Coco said pointing to a hand bag that was laying on the ground you grabbed it and left while walkig you got attacked by biowolfs you tried your hardest slashing at as many as you could but there was too many. "my bag" Coco yelled you through the case towards the tree she was leaning on when she grabbed it the case unfolded into a mini gun and she startes fireing at them desamating the hord of grimm.
"wow" you said in awe about what just happened
"you like what you just saw wait till you see what I can do when mobile" she said
"Coco is that you" Fox asked as he came out of the bushes
"yes and I am glad to see you are ok" Coco said
"I hered the gun fire and went towards it incase it was you" he said
"you went towards the gun fire" Coco said as she cracked up laughing "your funny" she said
"ok I think the blood loss is messing with your head Coco maby you should rest" you said concerend
"blood loss" Fox asked confused
"Coco broke her leg" you said
"no I didnt I can still move my toes" she said
"your other leg Coco" you said face palming
"oooow that one" she said
"ok maby we shold take your hand bag for you" you said as you grabed it off her.

Black point of veiw

"can someone please help me" you yelled "come on I am stuck in a tree can someone please help" you yelled
"sounds like you would like some help" a blonde male cat fanus said as he walked up to the tree that you were stuck in
"hi Neko can you please help me down" you asked
"sure" he said as he jumped up and cut the branchs with his clawed gloves
"thanks" you said
"no problem Abby" he said
"I dont go by that name anymore Neko" you said
"sorry" he said as he he started to walk away
"wait Neko" you yelled out he turned around "you can I always join us" you said
"sorry but I have things to take care of" he said before running off.

Weiss point of veiw

"we should probably get some sleep it is getting dark" you said
"ok but someone should ceep guard and lets face it Coco is not in any condition to be on look out and I would make a bad guard as well so" Fox was saying
"I know I will guard" you interupted as you climbed up a tree sword ready that would be were you guard from after a couple hours not much happened you were getting really tiered
"hi" a blond male fanus said as he climbed up the tree and sat next to you
"hi" you said you were too tiered to realise that a stranger came and sat next too you in the middle of a forest that you were lost in
"you can get some sleep I have taken out all the grimm in the area" he said
"thanks" you said as you leaned your head against the tree and slept while you were asleep he left. when you woke up it was early morning Coco and Fox were still sleeping
"hi weiss" a voice said you turned to see (Y/N)'s team mate Black
"hi" you said as you got down from the tree
"should we wake them up" Black asked gestering to Fox and Coco
"maby" you said you leaned down and shook them awake "Coco Fox guess who is here you said to them as Black walked over Coco got up she was bearly able to stand. "lets go" you said as Black helped Coco it wasnt long untill you came across a clearing were (Y/N) and Ruby were talking outside a routhly built shelter "hi" you yelled to get there attention
"good to see you Weiss" Ruby replied
"it isnt just me" you said as Fox Coco and Black came out of the bushes.

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