Chapter 5 - E

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December 9th 2013.

My bed was freezing. I sat up and switched on the heated blanket plugged into the wall and replaced myself back in bed.

I had 3 text messages from one person, Sidney.

Sidney Bby ❤️
Please talk to me, Emma don't do this to me.


Emma how is this fair?

I stared at the notices on my home screen. Begging for them to go away.

Snapchat from SidneyDunk❤️🔥

A knock on my door made me turn my body over to see mom.

"Hi sweetie." She said. She came out to my bed and placed herself next to me, she was in her pjs - she must have heard me get up to go and get some water earlier. She wouldn't usually be up at 3:41am.

"Sorry I know I should be asleep." I told her.

"Don't worry." She replied, "why are you up?" I looked at my phone and she let her eyes wonder over the notifications.
"Sidney?" She asked.

I nodded. I placed my head on her shoulder and curled myself up into a ball.

"He misses me. He told me it's not fair." I Said, "I know it's not fair. I miss him but I can't do anything about that."
"Call him." She said.

"Stay with me?" I asked. It wouldn't be this time back home. No not home : in San Francisco.

My finger reluctantly hovered over the trigger that could possibly send a hurricane over my life. I pressed it.

The phone was picked up after two rings.

Sidney: Ems? Is this you?

I could see his smile in my mind, the smile I know would be covering his face.

Emma: Sid.

I couldn't help it, some tears escaped but I brushed them away quickly.

Sidney: don't cry. Whatever you do please don't cry.

Emma: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Sidney. It's not my fault, it's not your fault.

Sidney: I never said it was your fault.

My mum grasped my hand as I began to tear up again.

Emma: just move on okay? We're Young it doesn't matter anyway your only a sophomore and I'm only a freshman. You can easily remove me from your memory.

Sidney: I could never remove you from my memory.

Emma: I'm sorry Sid.

I said again. Even though I knew this wasn't my fault.

Emma: how is it back home?

I tried to change the subject.

Sidney: everyone misses you and Ethan.

He told me. I smiled. But then frowned. Because I miss them all too.

Sidney: do they have a good swim team there?

Emma: I haven't looked yet I didn't want it to remind me of-

He cut me off.

Sidney: remind you of me.

Emma: yeah.

Sidney: It's over, okay? Forget about us. Forget about me and forget about everything we've ever done. Don't let me ruin anything.

Emma: But-

He cut me off, again.

Sidney: promise?

Emma: Yeah, promise.

Sidney: go to sleep Emma.

Emma: okay, I love you Sid.

Sidney: I know. I love you too okay? But this is over we can't do this too eachother.

Emma: I know. Bye.

Sidney: Bye.

I placed my phone down on the bedside table and let my mum kiss my forehead, "just try and get some sleep."

I nodded and she walked out of my room closing the door shut making a very timid bang.

I walked over to my bay window and lifted the blinds up as if it was 9 in the morning and I was ready to start my Saturday and sat down with my blanket wrapped around me like a burrito.

I went onto YouTube and did something I promised myself I wouldn't do.

I searched Shawn Mendes.

The top video was a cover of drop in the ocean by Shawn. I looked over at his house. The downstairs kitchen light was on and his bedroom light were on.

I clicked on the video and let myself listen to the sound of his voice. It was like pure gold, the words drifted from his lips like they were made for them.

I was looking over at his house and his head seemed to pop up out of nowhere from his bed which was propped up against the wall. He acknowledged me and and made a confused face. I shrugged my shoulders and forced myself to laugh.

He couldn't know I was upset, he'd never stop questioning me.

My phone stopped playing his angelic voice and it began to buzz. It was him calling, Shawn calling.

"Hi." I Said.
"Hey" He Replied, "why are you up so late?"

I looked over it his room and shrugged my shoulders at him. I heard his laugh through the phone and saw his smile through the window.

A light laugh escaped my mouth and his smile deepened.

"What about you Mendes? Why are you up so late?" I questioned him.
"Writing." He Said, "songs." I nodded.
"Very cliché, I like it. I like it a lot." I Replied.

"That is me." He smiled, "how come you still look gorgeous at 4 in the morning."

"I really don't, but you, your just all round amazing aren't you." He smiled at me, looking straight into my eyes.

"What are you tomorrow on a fine Saturday miss hand?" He asked me. He's so cute.
"You mean today, Mr Mendes?" He smiled at me and replied with a "yes, yeah that's what I meant." He seemed embarrassed and turned shy.

"I'm not doing anything today." I told him as I cocooned myself in the soft pink blanket that smothered me.
"How about I take you out, we can go to the fair?" He said. My smile was so big and there was no way I could control the happiness inside me. Maybe he's just what I need to get over Sidney and find someone new.

"Yeah that would be nice but you better come on the big rides with me." I said.
"Um sure, I get a bit scared." He replied.
"Awwww baby Mendes gets scared of big rides at the fair." I continued, "how cute." He laughed and I saw him shake his head at me.

"Okay don't cry Shawn I was joking." He laughed and replied, "shut up I'm not crying." He pretended to wipe away fake tears from under his eyes and cheeks. I laughed and turned my head as a heard my bathroom door open. It was Ethan.

I looked back at Shawns room and saw he had his back now turned to the window and me.

"Emma shut up you woke me up." He said.
I put the phone down on the chair Beside the window that I was sitting on.

"Soz bro I'll go to sleep." I Told him. He flicked my forehead and turned away.

"Love you Ethan!" I whisper shouted.
"Ditto." He replied and shut the door behind him.

I picked up the phone and saw Shawn turn back around on his bed.
"Sorry that was my brother. I should probably go."
"Okay I'll see you in a few hours then?" He laughed.
"Ha sure night Mendes."
"Goodnight Emma." He hung up the call and waved at me. I waved back and blew him a kiss before closing my curtains.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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