Jessica Williams

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Name: Jessica Williams

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Name: Jessica Williams.

Face Claim: Blake Lively.

Nicknames: Jess, Jessie, Jay, Williams.

Age: 27

Birthday: 10/11/1991

Place Of Birth: Brooklyn, New York

Current Occupation: Professional Pick Pocketer.

Relationship Status: Multiship/Multiverse

World/Verse: Any fandom friendly. Wandering OC life.

Weaknesses: Watches. Anxiety. Spiders.

Bad Habits: Swearing, manipulative, sticky fingers,

Fears: Heights, water, zombies, blood, being alone forever, death.

Pets: N/A

Personality: Charismatic, clever, discreet, charming, energetic, independent, logical, playful, feisty, protective, sexy, patient.

Teenage life/Early Adulthood: Growing up, Jess was switched from foster home to foster home. She grew up without a lot. She never had a real caring family. And once she was eighteen she was thrown out to the streets of New York. She needed a way to survive.. A way to get by in life and that was done by becoming someone who was easily manipulative and great with a hand of distraction while the other took a wallet, or a watch.

She's a pro at taking watches. It's usually what she sticks to.. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Officially Being An Adult: Coming into her being a woman, she was trying to move on to bigger things. Bigger jobs, if you will. She wanted to be set in life. She was tired of going after little things like watches. Having a partner, her and this man would work bars.

Unfortunately, for the men that were easily manipulated to going up to her room, they would be held at gun point until they handed over their wallet and other goods. Little did they know the gun wasn't loaded but who was going to risk getting shot?

Until she met one man named Nicky. There was an immediate attraction between the two. He taught her everything she now knows. And the two developed a little fling while working a job in New Orleans... Unfortunately, Jess was left in a car after the job was done, with no Nicky to go home with. Though she wasn't left high and dry, she was set for quite awhile with the money she had earned with the job..

Every now and then she'll grab a watch or two. Keep an eye out, and always be sure to check for your wallet after meeting this wildcard.

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