How You Meet

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You walked though the busy streets of London, the bitter winds whipped across your face. You shivered profusely from the cold, you clutched the rapidly chilling hot chocolate you bought not to long ago in your freezing hands. You had left your mittens in your flat, you had though you had forgotten something as you walked out of your flat but, you just could not place your finger on what it was. You had soon found out that it was your mitterns as you reached into your purse to try and find them, you had bought the now lukewarm hot chocolate as an alternative. You had just moved to London about a year ago, you had moved from (Y/HT) to try and be someone in the fashion industry. Your boots clicked as you walked through the town looking through the windows of nearby stores. You had seen a particularly cute dress as you walked into something that felt similar to a brick wall. You shut your eyes tight as you saw the rapidly approaching concrete, the brick wall's hand shot out and caught you by your wrist. As were put back onto your feet you ducked your head as to not catch the strangers gaze, you had always been clumsy but never this badly. You lifted your gaze and caught a pair of emerald green eyes, "I am so sorry-" you had started to apologize but was cut off by the stranger. "No need to apologize love, I ran into you". You immediantly noticed the stranger you had run into had a deep rumbling voice with a heavy british acent. You stuck your petite frozen hand out for a handshake and introduced yourself, "my names (Y/N)" a much larger warm hand was put into your frigid one "I'm Harry, Harry Styles".


You clutched the back of your friends dress as she guided you through the crowded club, you usually wern't one to go out to clubs and bars often. You didn't like the club life, you didnt like the crowded space, the sweating bodies on the dance floor and the noise. You would much rather be back at your flat curled up in your bed in your favorite sweats, reading a good book. You didnt drink alcohol either, you only came to this club because your friend had been bugging you about it for ages and your resolve finally crumbled. Your friend stopped near the bar turned around and yelled at you, "(Y/N) do you want to go dance? I saw a cute blonde across the dance floor a few seconds ago." You weighed the options in your head, go out in to the mass of sweating bodies with your friends or, go sit at the bar all alone where it is slighly less crowded and less sweaty. "(Y/F/N) I'm just going to go get a drink and sit at the bar for awhile", (Y/F/N) just nodded in response and strted to snake in between bodies, in search of the 'cute blonde' or someother conquest. You took a seat at the bar and just asked the bartended for a water. Hours passed and you hadn't seen or heard from (Y/F/N), you just sat at the bar and played on your phone or people watched. You figured (Y/F/N) either went home with some guy or was dancing back out drunk with one. You decided that you had enough torture for one night, you texted your friend that you were going to leave. As you hopped off the barstoll ready to walk outside and hail a cab, a large hand roughly grabbed your upper arm. You turned around and saw an obviously drunk man was the one squeezing your arm. "Excuse me" you timidly said, "can you please stop holding my arm" . The drunk man looked you up and down then smiled,"hello sweet cheeks whats a pretty little thang like you doing sitting here all alone ?". The man was slurring pretty badly so you figured he was pretty drunk wich scared you a little bit. "I am not alone and I was just leaving" you started struggling and you grew more nervous. The mans grip was tightening and it started to hurt, "You are hurting me". He pulled you to him as you dug you heels into the ground."Let me go!" you were shouting now scared, you started whipping your head in all directions and started looking around the room for someone to help. Your prayers were answered as you felt a much gentler hand grabbing your other arm, ripping you out of the drunk mans grasp. You were pulled into a warm chest "play along"was whispered in your ear as someone said "Hey man leave my girlfriend alone." You just smiled at the drunk man as he shrugged as stumbled away. You were let go as you let out a breath you didnt know you were holding . You turned around and met a pair of warm blue-green eyes meet your (Y/E/C). "Thank you so much".  "No problem, you looked quite scared so I thought I would step in". You smiled "I'm (Y/N)", the stranger smiled back "I'm Louis". 

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