How He Asks You To Move In

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Hi guys I just want to thank everyone who reads this thank you so much!!!!!!!



Harry: You woke up to sunlight streaming in through your blinds, you sat up in bed and streched. You looked over at your clock and saw that it was 9:35. You got up and walked downstairs to make your breakfast, you checked your phone and saw that you had a bunch of happy birthday texts from your friends. You smiled and read through some when you noticed one from your boyfriend Harry, you were dating Harry Styles from One Direction. You and Harry had been dating for about a year, you had met Harry at a resturant you worked at. He had gone with the rest of the boys and you had the luck to be their server. You looked at the text Harry had sent you not to long ago and were confused when it said to go outside. You walked outside and saw Harry holding a large bag. He grinned when he saw you, the dimples you loved so much showing."Harry what are you doing here?' you asked confused to why your boyfriend was at your flat at 9 in the morning. "It's your birthday kitten and I am going to spend the entire day with you," his deep voice rumbled back at you. You eyed the bag suspiciously,"whats in the bag Styles?" He chuckled grabbing your hand,"you'll find out soon enough" he replied dragging you into your flat. You both sat down on the floor of your living room. Pulling out the bag Harry smiled so big you thought he might split his face "present time kitten!!" He looked like a kid on christmas morning as he spilled the contents of the bag, many, many wrapped presents spilled out. He started handing you ones he wanted you to open first, you sat there shocked that he would spend so much money on you "Haz you didn't have to buy me all this" you gestured to multiple wrapped presents. "Fine don't open those right now but you have to open this one" he pulled a smaller teal box that could fit into the palm your hand and gave it to you. You nodded and started to open it, one the top was pulled off there was only two things in the box,a key and a note. You looked at Harry and opened the note, you read out loud "(Y/N),  Kitten , Love I have only one thing to ask you on this glorious day, move in with me? Love, your Hazzabear" You looked up at Harry and he was nodding looking quite happy with himself waiting for your answer. You nodded frantically "yea! yes Haz I will move in with you" You picked up the key as Harry engulfed you into a hug "I love you kitten" "I love you to Haz." 

Louis: You were at your boyfriend Louis's house, you were just hanging out when he decided that you two were going to make cupcakes from scratch. You has thrown some flower in Louis face while he was reading the recipe, you started giggling as he looked up at you and made a funny face. "You are so going to regret that (Y/N), you had though nothing of it until you had felt something crack on your head and something gooey flow down your back. Egg he cracked an egg on your head. "LOUIS TOMLINSON" you screeched feeling the egg slipping down your back. He was dying of laughter behind you you grabed an egg and pretended to cry, the laughter instantly faded. "(Y/N) I-I'm so sorry, I didnt mean to make you cry" he said and wrapped you up in a hug. You smirked and cracked the egg on his head, he gasped "(Y/N)....this means war you know that right?". You giggled and ducked behind the counter. About an hour later there were no more ingredients for cupcake's seeing as they were all over you and Louis. You and Louis were on the floor covered in flour, eggs and other basic kitchen ingrediants, your head was in his lap and he was strokking your egg covered hair. Everything was quiet until Louis spoke "(Y/N) I want every day to be just like this one, you know just a little less messy. I wasnt sure but now I am, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) will you move in with me?" You were shocked so you just nodded your head "yes" you spoke quietly. Louis let out a sigh of relief and pulled you in for a kiss, everything for right now was perfect.

Liam: You and Liam were lounging around his flat, you were both dressed in sweats with mounds of junk food spread in front of you, You two had decided earlier when hanging out that you were going to have an all day movie marathon, once you ran out of movies you topped it off with having a Toy Story marathon, you loved the Toy Story movies almost as much as Liam did. You loved all of the movies but, the third movie you loved a little more than the rest. You were about to start your toy story marathon, you were in the kitchen making popcorn and grabbing more junk food while Liam was in the living room getting the movies set up, You walked in and plopped down on the couch ready for the movie marathon when you saw Liam fiddiling with something. "Liam, you alright" he looked over at you sprawled out on the couch adn smiled, "yea i'm fine love but I want to give you something." He stood up and walked over to you holding something behind his back. He pulled out a stuffed animal made to look like your favorite character from the movie, the dinosaur named Rex. The little Rex was holding a notecard in its hands that said 'move in with me?' You looked up at Liam smiled and nodded. He grinned his brown eyes lighting up as he plopped down on the couch holding you close, throughout the movie you cuddled Liam and your new favorite stuffed animal.

Niall: You and Niall were hanging out at the park today, you two had decided that you were both just going to be kids today, you played on the playground, swung on the swings and were acting like overall goofballs. You knew early on in the relationship that you loved Niall with everything you had. He was so good to you, he treated you like a princess. You two were walking back to his flat, he was telling you a couple of stories about some of the things him and the boys would do on tour, some of the stories had you clutching your sides in laughter. You got back to Niall's flat as he was asking you to spend the night tonight, it wasnt a rare thing to have you spend the night at Niall's. You had left so many things there you two would joke that you didnt even have to go home and get stuff because all of it was there. You and Niall walked into your basically shared closet as you joked "geez I leave so much stuff here, I basically live here already!" Niall looked at you with a smile and replied, "well why dont you" you looked up at him confusion, "what?" Niall all of a sudden became nervous, " I-I mean why dont you live here, Half of your stuff is here already and I love you so, why not?" You nodded " yea why not, I'll move in with you Niall." By the next week all of your stuff was at Niall's and you two were as happy as ever.

Zayn: You and Zayn had something very large in common that drew you two together in the beginning of the relationship. You both loved art, you loved abstract art of any form, sculptures, paintings, anything really. You had met Zayn at the local art store, you had just finished a sculpture and wanted to spray paint it to finish. Zayn had the same idea for his art room, You had met up and talked, exchanged numbers and he ended up talking you out on a date. You two ended up having much more than art in common and it didnt take long for both of you to realize that you loved each other. You and Zayn had met around a year and a half ago. You two decided to take it slow because, you had many past relationships where boys were just using you, you couldnt help but be guarded around boys now. Over time you had learned to put your guard down when with Zayn and let him in. You had gotten a text from Zayn that said 'hey boo I have something new in my art room that I want to show you xx', you were confused but came anyways. You walked in yelling for him, you walked up to his art room and knocked on the door. He opened it covered in paint and looking quite happy, you wondered for a minuet if he had gotton accidentally high iff his paints again, "(Y/N) your here! Awesome'' he covered your eyes with his hands. "Zayn what's going on" "just a second love" , he steered you around his art room until he came to a stop. Once the hands were taken off your eyes you gasped and covered your mouth, there tagged on a wall said ' will you move in with me?" you looked at Zayn and he nodded, You jumped into his arms nodding. He smiled and kissed you gently. You got paint all over your clothes but you didnt care, you were moving in with Zayn.


Hi guys! I just want to thank everyone once again for taking time out of their day to read this, it means alot! please comment if you have any preferences that you want me to do and if not just comment anything! okay thanks again guys! :*


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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