Yeizune Okunu's Captor

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Yeizune an 9 year old queen of the land of webs is running alongside the shore... more like on it one winter.

She slides onto it heading towards the forbidden side of the castle.

"That's The Kid"!!!

Three men grab her from the ice. Kabuto who was in disguise as a Bush or Something covers her mouth while the other two kept holding onto her. She screamed for dear life... in the depths of night even the sky sleeps.

He bounded her arms with wire and legs with the same thing very tightly!!

He kept holding onto her mouth as she screamed.

"Hurryup We Can't Take Up Much Time"!! Kabuto is happier than ever that he finally has someone in the first time. YEAH THAT CAME OUT REAL WRONG!!!!

The two henchman that he wouldn't pay until christmas threw her in the back of the ferris.

Kabuto who is overly obsessed with the ice queen of the land of webs stayed in the back of the giant boat with here.

He creepily stares at her on the ground while she whimpers. He touches her cold face while she sits up right and moves back.

"Don't worry"!!!

"Everything will surely okay....if you do everything that goes my way and i say"!!!!

She studies his headband carefully.

They took her back too Orochimaru's hideout.

Kabuto puts her too sleep by emitting chakra too her shoulder. She instantly passes out.

'L.O always would tell me i have extroadinary infiltry skills.'

"Mm...hmmmrphh" She starts stirring in her sleep.

'She's very preety'

"Hey, Wakeup"! He shakes her head.

He ungags her.

"Who ....are you people"??!! She says with a raspy voice.


He keeps rubbing the child's face adoring /admiring her each time.

" Why did you guys bring me here and who the hell are you... what do you want"?!

She struggles but obviously it's no use.

        "Do not say a word"?! She glares at him.

"What are you my parentals"?!


Instead of getting scared like any other child at that age would.... she curses at him back.

"Who the fuck do you think your talking too"?!

"Ooo she has a foul mouth

on her Kabuto mAybe we should put the gag back on her"?!

"Do as you please.... I have too prepare for something anyway"...

He walks out of the room.

He turns on the heater as he remembers  that she has ice powers.

The two men close the door behind them!!!

He and the others searched for more prisoners. But Kabuto who wanted too spend some time with Yeizune...orders them to do the daily task.

KIDNAPPED BY KABUTOWhere stories live. Discover now