A-Rank Task!!

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Naruto, Sai and Sakura were ordered too travel to the land of webs and do some investigations on what happened to Queen Yeizune.

"Arrggh this is soo boring... Why couldn't we just go find her instead of investigating about it... it would make more sense"!!!!!

Sakura hits him ontop his head too shut him up.

"Wow, Sakura your hits are just like my grandma's"!!! She glares at Sai. She picks him and Naruto up by tge collar and throw them over the boat 5 times. It could of been more harder if the Okunu Clan Members weren't watching them.

"Hey it's intruders"?!

"Get them"!!!


Naruto says retartedly. "And aren't we supposed too find the queen, why is everyone here spiders"!!!!

"Naruto this is the land of webs WHAT DID YOU EXPECT HUMANS TOO LIVE HERE!!!!?"

"So you mean the person where supposed too look for is an Arachnid"?!!!

"Noo, Shes a human... but doesn't explain why she's here and not with her own species"!!! Sai answers.

"Ohhh look Mr.Detective finally figured something out"!!!

"More Than You and  Your Brain Would Ever Have Thiught Of"!!!!


"That really doesn't concern me in the most"!!!

Sakura holds Naruto's collar facepalming.

"Please You Must Tell Us What your going to do with our queen after you find her... we dont trust outsiders"!!!!

=-O "U-uuhhm bring her back of course"!!! Sakura sweatdrops.

Well the gang heads forth.... until a strange girl stops in their tracks!!

Well Naruto dashes into her. She has a red attire with a black mask...

She tells them that her name is Violet Parr and she was sent here by the underminer a villain her parents and siblings are fighting. She does not know the way home. She starts crying and wiping her eyes.

"Narutoo.. Maybe we should let Violet be a part of the team".

"Do you want to be a part of our team"?

"Team....Sure Whatever"!!

"I like her spirits... but do you have any chakra"??

"What is Chakra... Um do you mean my powers like this"??

Violets powers are those purpulish auora's. She turns invisible.

"Im not really sure what happened too you or who you are... but we need some help finding a 9 year old".

"I have two brothers at home... it's like looking for one of you're clean shirts in a dirty haystack".

All three of them "You need to work on your puns more"!!


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