Chapter 14

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Jughead froze. What was he supposed to do? Kissing Veronica would open major wounds surrounding Archie and Betty. But, not kissing Veronica would make him lose his mind. It was just a game, and they were all drunk. Jughead stood up and walked towards Veronica. Archie's facial expressions stiffened. He put his hand on her cheek and closed his eyes. Veronica's heart began to race as she closed the space between them. Suddenly everything around them seemed to disappear, like it was on them. No Archie, no Betty, no cheating, no twisted friendships. And it was perfect. It didn't last long enough though. A door creaked and a gasp was heard. Veronica released herself from Jughead's grasp. "Jug" Betty said, standing in front of Sweetpea. "Relax. It was a dare" eased Reggie. Betty sighed and changed spots to sit by Sweetpea. What had happened in that closet? Everyone thought. But it remained an elephant in the room.

     Later that night after the party winded down, our favorite four were left over in the Andrews' kitchen. "One second I have to take this call" Veronica said, excusing herself. Moments later she returned. "That was my dad. He's mad that I'm here with you Archie. He said you attacked him in his office before the party." Veronica stated. Archie sighed. "I'm sorry Ronnie. Let me drive you home." he suggested. Veronica rolled her eyes. "I hate my dad too but I don't go after him personally in his home!" she yelled. Betty bit her lip. "Your dad is hurting others Veronica!" Archie yelled. "I don't need this right now." she answered, walking out the back door. "Veronica wait!" Jughead called after her. "Bye guys" Jug said rushing out the door behind Veronica, not even kissing Betty goodbye.

     "Veronica!" Jughead called. Veronica turned back to him. "What Jughead?" she screamed. "What could you possibly want? You hate me more than Betty and Archie combined! My family has done horrible things to yours, I don't blame you." Jughead stepped closer to her and looked longingly at the girl standing in front of him. Gosh she was stunning, and he knew it. He wiped a tear from her eye. "I could never hate you, Veronica Lodge" he said. Veronica looked up at him. "Jug" she whispered. He leaned down and held his face in front of hers. Veronica looked down at his lips and moved closer to him. With only centimeters between them, they both felt the lust they had after each other and Veronica had had it. She pressed her lips against Jughead's and held his face in her hands. He kissed back, with passion. They both knew the problems they were starting, but they didn't care. It was them against the world. Nothing else mattered.

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