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"I'm sure it was her " I said to Suga he just face palm him self "I have a picture of that lady you saw and y/n, here look at the difference"



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"They look like a different person "" Yeah I know but

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"They look like a different person "" Yeah I know but.......... Wait where did you get those pictures? "He scratch the back of his neck" Y/n has social media and when I checked mine it showed the girl that we saw yesterday day"

"Okay" I rolled my eyes"but I know thats y/n "he was about to go but then" How are you gonna find her? "I smirked " You'll see "


I woke up in the sound of my alarm clock "annoying alarm" I got up and went downstairs I went in my dressing room and put on a sports bra and some legging, and went to the gym

I got to the gym and did some exercise, I did some jumping Jax skipping rope, weights and other stuff. A few hours later a jogged to my house and ate breakfast"hey you done going to the gym "Junghee asked me I nodded " Im gonna go alone then "

I was done eating breakfast a washed my plate and went to the bathroom and took a nice warm shower, I got a towel I circled it around my body I used a blow dryer to dry my hair and wore my out fit

I called junghee to ask where did she put she stupid ties she told me where it was I got them and did a hairstyle

(Internet won't load my pics for her outfit sorry)

I ran down stairs and went to the mall I was still looking for a job from Busan cause I'm planning to go back to Seoul, I miss my family 👨👦👧👩👴👵"excuse me miss do you know this lady"I turned around


I was looking for y/n in the mall so I asked people if they knew her, I saw this lady so I asked her "excuse me miss do you know this lady? " She turned around it was y/n"y/n how I miss you "I was about to hug her but she ran away I chased after her

I didnt want to lose her again so I ran as fast as I could and I caught her arm


Jin caught my arm and he turned me around" Leave me alone"I started to have teary eyes "let me explain" I let go of his grip"didn't you see my text "he nodded " So do it"I was about to run then he caught me

"Don't leave let me have a chance to explain " I shook my head I had tears in my eyes "just please give me a chance" I stood up straight"a chance of what you cheating on me again, I loved you but you only used me for LUNA!?! "He shook his head" Just let me explain"

Flash back

I was with my friends then I got a text from unknown I opened it

???: meet me in the restaurant

Jin:who is this?

???: I'll tell you if you meet me in the restaurant

Jin: I think you have the wrong number

???: is this kin seokjin?

Jin: yes

???: then it ain't the wrong number, look if you don't meet me in the restaurant then sorry if y/n dies

Jin: what?!

???: yeah so meet me there

This number has been blocked

I told my friends u had to go to the restaurant then a notification popped out

???: ask for table 57

I went to the restaurant and ask for table 57 she showed me the way it was a woman"excuse me miss? "She turned around it was Luna" Luna? "She smirked" So you got my text, have a seat""what this about hurry my girlfriend is waiting for me"

"If you don't do this your precious girlfriend will die" She smirked "what is it "" Well kiss me then date me "my eyes widen " What no way I love her not you""tik tok time is ticking "I shook my head then she looked at somewhere else then suddenly she pulled me in for a kiss

End of flashback

" Soon enough you saw it, and you tight that I was cheating then you moved here to Busan "I cried more I was so so so dumb " I'm so stupid "I pulled my hair and fell on the floor " It's not your fault "I looked yo to him with teary eyes" I'm sorry"I said to him

He hugged me for comfort "it's not your fault you didn't know " He kissed me on the for head "cmon let's take you home


I opened the door to my house and Junghee wasn't there may be she went somewhere I sat on the couch I felt sleep then I lyed sown on the couch and I fell asleep

Third person POV

" You can't get him away from me that easily y/n oh don't you worry I'm gonna get you and so is my pack, get ready cause your going to get beaten up or dead"

Hello my lovelys thank you for reading this chapter how do you like it? Vote if you do now what will happen on the next chapter? Will Jin and y/n go back together and who was that maybe Luna but what did she mean by friend find out soon in

My secret boyfriend

My secret boyfriend {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now