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3 months later~~~~

"Oh sweetie your getting married!!! " I was there in my dressing room getting ready"girl I'm jealous, I mean I'm like 28 and I ain't married yet and ur like.... 25" I giggled to her sentence "guys 5 more minutes and were walking down that isle "

"I know I know" "So your Baby is out there waiting for you" "You mean Hyunwon? "She nodded Hyunwon is now like 6 weeks old she is really really adorable for my opinion

" She cute sweetie and your beautiful "I hugged my mom " Thanks " Then one of the best men came in"uh change were starting at around 10 minutes "I nodded at him I looked over to Hyunwon she was awake, I smiled over to her and she put her hand clos...

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" She cute sweetie and your beautiful "I hugged my mom " Thanks " Then one of the best men came in"uh change were starting at around 10 minutes "I nodded at him I looked over to Hyunwon she was awake, I smiled over to her and she put her hand closer to me and I kissed it" I love you"I smiled at her

"Mrs Jeon may I speak with you? " She nodded and went with him "what that about? " "Maybe problems with the music" I nodded and continue to play with Hyunwon


"Dear may u speak with you? " My mom asked and I went to sit with her"what wrong? "She sighed " Don't get worried there helping with it right now"what did she mean? "Sweetie..... "

"Jin isn't here..... "

"Wh-eh.... What!?! " She held my hand "we called the police to help us with the search " My eyes became teary"Hyunwon is with The girls shes having a lot if attention"But my mind was on Jin this whole time where could he be? Was driving me crazy my mind was focusing on Jin a lot

"Sweetie if you want to help go and call him" I got my phone quickly and went to his number and called him"hello "I said when he picked up" Jin where are you? " "Is this Jeon y/n? " "Yes this is her" He didn't answer for awhile"Mrs Jeon you're husband was in an accident he's awake but looking for you"my mom overheard the conversation

I ended the call and directly went to the car and drove to the hospital when I got  there I changed I had extra clothes in the car, and I went down I rushed to the table and asked for Kim Seokjin  and she told me where

I barged I  the door"Jin" "Y/N" I ran over to him and hugged him"what happen" "Car accident" I hugged him tight "But it's okay in fine" He said and I kissed him"um Ms Jeon you're husband told me about the marriage and you can have it here if you want"


"I now pronounce you Mrs Kim and Mr Kim" We were there at the hospital having our marriage Jin is gonna be discharged from the hospital in about 2 days "hear that Hyunwon mommy and daddy are married now" Hyunwon laughed and Jin kissed her and I kissed him

"Jinnie " I called out"you call me jinnie now? "I nod and kissed him" We have to go now were gonna see you tomorrow but baby Hyunwon can't come"he frowned"why~~~" "Jin this is the hospital" He rolled his eyes"who gonna take care of her" "Uh fine " He clapped his hands and we said goodbye to Jin

In the morning Hyunwon was still sleeping and I got up and brought her with me I placed her in her crib and dressed up to a simple dress and made breakfast. I got into the car and put Hyunwon on her baby seat and went on my seat and drove of, as soon as we got there we asked for Jin's room we went to the elevator and went to his room

When we went in Jin had a wide smile on his face when he saw us I went closer to him and he kissed me and he asked me to sit down on the near by chair "how's my beautiful wife? " I giggled and kissed him"good" "And how is my Princess? " He looked over to Hyunwon and she was asleep and Jin carried her

I just looked at them they are so cute together hopefully in the future they get along"she's sleeping? "I nod " That's what babies do when there newborn"I smiled  at him and he gave me Hyunwon"so how old is Hyunwon" "6 weeks old" I told him and he smiled


Jin was finally discharge from the hospital some of the doctors and nurses were sad that Jin left heck even some of the male nurses were sad "I miss home" "Why? " He hugged me and smiled "cause I get to see u more and my lovely Hyunwon" He kissed me in the head and Hyunwon started to cry which made me rush to her, I gave her, her bottle and she stopped crying

"What happened? " Jin asked me worried "she wanted her bottle" He sighed and we sat on the couch and we watched a movie, which was fun he hugged me tight and he kissed me which made me safe in his arms and I'm happy he's home

Happy birthday KOOKIE Aka Jungkook

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