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A/N: The following display of images as well music are own by respected companies as well artists; as they only help to inspire the imagination.

As the holy war continued, Escanor felt how his body was rapidly deteriorating as at the same time healing itself, taking a toll on his body as he refused to lay down as his sin of pride didn't help as he kept pushing himself over the limit thanks to the magic he holds.... sunshine one of the four gifts given by suprime deity to the four archangels.

Despite that he himself if facing two of the most powerful enemies he has ever fought, Mael the fourth and previous arcángel that know held four of the ten commandments and Meliodas the sole hair and next demon king who held six of the ten commandments; Escanor new that he didn't have a chance going against them even when his power is still growing it didn't matter facing this two monsters as Mael is trying to kill him to regain sunshine yelling at him that he stole his gift from him and Meliodas as well is trying to kill him as he has the best chance in holding him off for Ban, to restore the emotions of the previous captain.

But it was easier saying it than doing it as Escanor was kicked by Meliodas sending him through the ground like it was nothing and as he stopped he began to cough blobs of blood uncontrollable.

"Ban I need you to listen carefully as this may be the only opportunity you'll have. Merlin is the spell ready?"  Though Escanor through the mental link that Gowther created and took heavy and painful breaths that could be heard through the link.

"Wait there Escanor I'll heal y~"
"No. There's isn't time for that as the sun is nearly at it's peak and each and one you must be ready to strike Elizabeth. Do you understand?"

And as he stood up he felt how his legs were shaking as they couldn't support him even when the sun was raising, as for the first time he felt tiered but he couldn't let that distracted him as he began to crouch and in one mighty jump he landed in front of the enemy's as he became "The one".

Of course this cought the attention of both Mael and Meliodas as they noticed the raw power he is emanating but it still wasn't enough to reach the level they were but it would have to do. When they saw this, without a word they attack him without mercy and at the same time because one attack of Escanor in that form would severely injured them since they recall the memories of there defeat.

Escanor on the other hand was being constantly attack by both sides but despite all the pain he had to endure that from extending both arms pointing at them a small sun appeared on the tip of his finger shooting it.

Sun's death

Was the name of said attack that hit there target giving them a bullet wound but in an instant it exploded living up to its name as had the force of 50 sun's exploting but it would be all contain in new version of the "perfect cube" that would be able to contain the force of said attack and send the excessive heat to the remnants of his sacred treasure axe Rita.

And as it died down Escanor release the cube for Merlin to cast her spell but as she was doing it both Meliodas and Mael rised up despite being severely injured having there flesh and bone melting showing how burnt they are as some parts of them fell to ground showing how there flesh, nerves and bone regrowth. Lifting there arms as it fell apart and roaring in agonizing pain both of the yell there attacks with more power that they should have, before Merlin's spell took affect.

"Black hole!!"

"Nebula vacuum!!"

Both attacks became one as Escanor appeared to be in the vacuum of space  preventing him from breathing as well the gravity increasing by 1000 as it slowly began to become pitch black at it's edges disintegrating him in the most slowly, agonizing and most brutal way.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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