Chapter Six

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{Betty's POV}

   The sun was blinding, shining through the newly opened blinds in my bedroom. Trying to adjust my eyes, I noticed a familiar figure standing to my side.

   "Looks who's finally awake!" My mothers voice rang through my ears. I tried hiding my disapproving frown as I pulled the sheet over my head. "You have visitors, Betty" she sighed. My eyes widened as I pulled the sheet away from my view and was filled with the sight of Veronica and Kevin.

   "Ohhh, hi guys" I smiled, trying to straighten myself up. With one last disapproving glare, my mother exited the room, leaving us three alone. "What are you guys doing here??"

   "We wanted to make sure you weren't dead after what happened last night!" Kevin exclaimed as he and V came to make themselves comfortable on my queen size bed.

   "Well, im obviously not dead!" I joked, receiving glares from them both.

   "What happened last night, B?" Veronica asked.

   "Yeah, after Jughead punched Reggie you both just disappeared" Kevin stated.

   "I wanted to get him out of there so we both hopped on his bike and left. We ended up on the side of Sweet Water River" I stated.

   "I still can't believe you went with him! I mean.... is it true?" Kevin asked, falling into a whisper.

   "Is what true?" I whispered back.

   "Is he really the leader of a biker gang?" He asked, his eyes wide. Not with fear. It with anticipation. My only response was a nod, causing them both to gasp.

   "Betty!! Why would you leave with a leader of a gang!!??" V squealed shocked. "He could have killed you!!!"

   "Seriously, V?" I said, my eyes borrowing in annoyance. "It's not like he's apart of the Bloods or Crips!!"

   "But he is apart of a gang...." She trailed.

   "I'm aware of that, Veronica." I sighed. After the ordeal last night, both at the drive in and at the river, I kept going over every possible scenario in my head. Always coming up with nothing but more questions. "But if he was going to hurt me... he would've done it by now!"

   "Maybe.... but that doesn't excuse the fact that he's in a gang. They're all in that gang!" Veronica pointed out.

   "And yet they were all so nice to us, V" I retorted. She groaned in annoyance, knowing I was right.

   "Do you trust him?" Kevin asked.

   "Honestly.... I don't know Kev." I sighed once more. "But I don't just want to jump to conclusions about him and the others."

   "Fine....." he trailed off. As we sat there in silence, my mind went wild. Questions pouring through me. And then I landed on one certain one.

   "Wait, Kevin.... didn't you say your boyfriends name was Joaquin?" I asked. I watched him carefully, his eyes widening with fear and swallowing a large gulp.

   "I didn't know who he was until last night!!" He defended.

   "Are you still with him!?" V squealed once more.

   "I-I think so.... I told him I need to think!"

   "And yet you're getting on my case about Jughead!!" I accused. You'd probably think I'd actually be upset right now, knowing he was disapproving of me doing something that is exactly what he's doing. But no.

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